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We had no clue where we are going but hey it's fun hanging with my jacks again.
"Wanted go to in and out?" Madison ask
"Never been." I say
"We are going then" Gilinsky saids
"Where is it..." I ask
"Here pull over let me drive." Gilinsky saids
"Ok" I pull over and jump out and walk over to the passenger seat
When we get there it just as I seen on tumbler. We get out and walk in it was about a 5 minute wait till we got to order.
"What would you like" the cashier said
"Ummm #7 please" I say
"I'll get the same" JJ saids
"I'll get the same" Gilinsky saids
"Same for you" the cashier saids as she looks at Madison
"No. #2 please" she said
I look to see what a #2 is and its a salad... ok we are in a Burger place and she gets a salad? Weird.
We find a place to sit.
"I'm sitting next to Catey!" Gilinsky yells. We sit Down and wait,while we are waiting I get a text from Skate
S-Hey what you doing
C-Nothing I got to the jacks house and know we put to eat
S-Sounds fun! Man I can't wait to be there!
C-Ya well Gilinsky got a girlfriend 😒
S-What's wrong with her?
C-She is a bitch
S- oh Catey you don't ever know her
C-Johnson don't like her
S-Ok  valid point
C- Well the foods here so text yo later 😘😘😘
S-K.Miss ya to bæ 😘
Help I don't how to get out of bold 😂😂😂

Weed and Skate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now