JK: I was thinking of going there. Will you come with me as you are handling this project you know more about it?

Tae: Yeah that's fine with me. Just tell me when you wanted to visit the site...Jimin will arrange it after matching our schedules.

JK: Yeah that will be good if I tell Jimin hyung first. He will arrange it according to our schedules. 

Again silence......

"So how is it going on with your work?" Tae asked Jungkook fidgeting with his fingers.

JK: Hectic I guess.... But I am used to it from before..

Tae: Yeah I know that!!

JK: Aaa.... What do you know?

Tae: About you being the JK.

JK: Yeah now I remember that Dad told you about that. But I have a question... How come Dad told you about me being JK. As far as I know, he is a great secret keeper.

Tae: Actually Mr. Jeon needed some advice regarding you so he revealed your identity. 

JK: Oh like that....

Tae: But honestly I am a huge fan of you. Every project you did at this young age the dedication you have. You didn't want to get famous you just like your work as you didn't reveal you're true identity. I am inspired by you.

JK smiled hearing Tae. He saw the shine in Tae's eyes when Tae was talking about him. JK felt giddy inside hearing all those things. He heard a lot about himself from people but this time he felt different.

JK: Thank you. It felt good that I could inspire someone.

Tae: Are you kidding me??? You are an inspiration to many people out there. Tae said in disbelief.. You just don't take credits, do you? Tae said narrowing his eyes.

JK scratched the back of his neck feeling a little bit shy.

Tae: Okay I get it and it's fine....

They heard the ding of the elevator knowing they reached the parking lot.

Tae: Okay Jungkook see you tomorrow at the party...

JK: See you hyung.

they both went to their respected cars. 

Jungkook: What is this feeling JK. I want to spend more time with him. I want to hear his voice more.

JK: Yeah I know I felt the same. But did you notice something else?

Jungkook: What?

JK: Of course you didn't... You were so into the conversation to notice something else in there.

Jungkook: Just tell me!!!

JK: Ohk I might have smelt something from his scent.

Jungkook: Really!! you did!!! Was he the same person from the cafe...... Jungkook got excited.....

JK: Wait hold on. JK cut off Jungkook in middle. No, it was not it was something similar. I smelt a bit of strawberry...

Jungkook: Really JK!!! Now JUngkook cut off JK in middle. It must be his shampoo, perfume, or something else because strawberry is quite common.

JK: Listen to me first!!!! I thought about the same too but as I concentrated it was coming from his body and when I thought Jimin's convo came into y mind that Tae went on the site today. He must have sweated a lot right?

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