She knew none of them. Nile was unsure of what to do to comfort Maeve. He sat there staring at her until he finally went to speak up.

Maeve went to open her mouth to speak but was cut off. "You can leave too, don't stick around. Leave with Falco and his family." Nile looked up at Maeve. She shook her head, not agreeing with running away from everything.

"I can't do that, I'm lieutenant now." She let out a dry laugh. Nile winced, hearing her tone.
"Whatever happens today, I'm glad I finally got to meet you. It's a shame that these were the circumstances." Nile held his hand out for Maeve. She sat up and wiped her face on her sleeve.

Maeve accepted his hand, giving it a firm shake. "Same to you," She gave a tight smile. "I heard great things about you, I hope we'll meet again." Nile went to take another swig of alcohol but the ground shook.

They sat in silence, everyone was too afraid to speak. The impending doom lingered over their heads, eating away at their minds. Using the silence to her advantage she tried to piece everything together.

The letters, Eren and Zeke's plan, and the Yeagerists. Only one thing was certain and it was that Eren would never agree with euthanasia. Still, none of it made sense to her. Why was Eren so desperate to reach his brother?

The apologies weren't just for Liberio, the night he cried on her thinking she was asleep wouldn't be an apology for that. Historia knew much more, stuff that she couldn't tell a soul.

Maeve chewed at her bottom lip, fidgeting in her spot. Nile furrowed his eyebrows, concerned about her daydreaming.

She closed her eyes, rubbing her temples. Hoping that she'd randomly get a new awakening. It was no use, she continued to think. There wasn't much time left and she didn't even know what time it was.

Eren wouldn't follow through with Zeke's plan but he still needed to touch him to activate the founding. She narrowed down all the options he could take with the founder. None of them made sense to do at a time like this, unprepared.

She thought back to Eren admitting there were no other options left. That's when it struck her, Eren was going to activate the rumbling. It made perfect sense, why Historia was horrified at the mention of him.

"Shit," Maeve got up, completely forgetting Falco had fallen asleep on her. Falco jolted up and groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry," She held her hands out toward him.

"What's wrong?" Nile asked her. She ignored him and rushed towards the door, shoving aside the men that were leaning against it. Banging her fist on the door, hoping to gain the attention of a guard.

"Hey, you come quick." She yelled. The guard continued to ignore her, his back turned towards her. "I know you hear me." Maeve banged her fist.

The guard whipped around. "What's your problem?" He seethed. "I need to speak to Floch." She breathed out, finally catching her breath from yelling.

"No," The guard turned away.

"Please," Maeve begged. He continued to ignore her, she sighed and leaned her back against the door.

The door unlocked and opened, she fell back. The guard stood there at the door catching her fall. "Thank you," She clasped her hands together.

"Turn around." He said coldly. Everyone in the room didn't dare move a muscle. "Of course," She smiled and eagerly turned around. Bringing her hands to her back so they could easily cuff them.

He pulled her out of the room and locked the door after her. Pulling her up the stairs and into an empty room. "Wait right here." He spat before slipping out and leaving her alone.

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