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[Disclaimer: The italics text will be flashbacks so when it ends, we'll be back to the present

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

[Disclaimer: The italics text will be flashbacks so when it ends, we'll be back to the present.]
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MAEVE STARED AT THE COBBLESTONE AS SHE WALKED TOWARDS THE BOAT. "Ms. Maeve," Gabi screamed put gaining her attention. Maeve turned around and smiled as she watched Gabi and Falco run up toward her.

Gabi wrapped her around Maeve's torso tightly. "Stay safe, don't let those devils get near you." She mumbled into Maeve's shirt. Maeve frowned and rubbed Gabi's back. "I should say the same to you," Maeve said.

She pulled away and Maeve reached over to Falco pulling him into a hug. "You guys need to look out for each other. It's the only way we'll survive." Maeve told him.

Falco furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asked her. "We can only win if we do it together." Maeve ruffled the top of his head. Reiner came up behind Gabi and Falco.

"Reiner," Maeve breathed out. Falco pulled away and watched as Reiner approached Maeve.
Maeve is leaving on the bot and we find out why. "Gabi, let's go. We have Warrior training," Falco pulled Gabi away.

Maeve watched as they both walked away leaving her with Reined. Before he can speak, Maeve put her hand on his chest softly. "Don't do this," She whispered.

"I love you, don't go." He mumbled. Tears well up in her eyes. "Please," She begged him to stop. But he couldn't, he needed to tell her. Maeve loved Reiner but in the way he loved her.

Reiner doing this only made it harder for Maeve to go. How could she leave if it meant she'd be hurting him? "What if I don't see you again?" His voice wavered. "You will, you came back last time didn't you?" Maeve smiled softly.

"Don't make a promise you can't keep," Reiner said. Maeve couldn't hold it in any longer. Her tears fell down her face. She tightly clenched his shirt and leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "You need to take care of yourself while I'm gone," Maeve spoke into his chest.

Reiner didn't say anything back. She knew that this meant he wouldn't, he couldn't lie and say he would. Maeve pulled away from him, her hands resting on his forearms. "Don't do anything stupid until I come back," Maeve said sadly while squeezing his arm.

He smiled down at her and nodded his head. "I mean it Braun, the kids are relying on you." Maeve pulled away completely leaving his arms to fall flat on his sides. She turned away and glanced back at him one more time before waving one last final goodbye until they meet again.

"Good evening," A man greeted her as she entered the boat. Maeve bowed her head slightly and mumbled a hello. She quickly went and found a spot she would claim for the rest of the journey.

allies || jean kirsteinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن