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MAEVE CHEWED AT HER BOTTOM LIP AS SHE PACED OUTSIDE OF MIKASA'S ROOM. Armin had told her that Mikasa was okay with the meeting in her room. But she couldn't help but feel nervous, she had rarely spoken to Mikasa. Let alone become friends with her.

"Maeve?" Armin walked over and furrowed his eyebrows. She looked up at him and sighed, she was finally not alone. "I'm nervous," Maeve told him.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Mikasa is easy to be around," Armin said while opening the door. Maeve wanted to rush over and slam it shut but she watched him open it and hold it for her. "Thank you," Maeve slipped into the room. Mikasa sat on the ground with biscuits on her lap. She was eating them while writing in her notebook.

She looked up and offered Armin and Maeve some. Armin took the biscuits and ate a few, Maeve kindly declined her offer. Mikasa crawled over to the woven container underneath her bed, she slid it out, revealing her books.

Maeve followed behind and grabbed The Catcher in the Rye from her bag. "Have you read The Portrait of Dorian Gray?" Mikasa said while fumbling through her pile of books. Maeve shook her head.

Mikasa took the book out and handed it to Maeve. She looked down at the cover, it was worn. The cover was slightly bent and the pages were yellowing, the book looked loved and cared for. Maeve would've never taken Mikasa as someone who read in her free time. "Thank you," Maeve said while bringing the book close to her.

"Armin and Eren both have read from that," Mikasa thought of the memories that were attached to the book. It felt weird to now pass it on to someone else, someone new. "I'll take extra care of it," Maeve told her. Mikasa nodded before getting up and grabbing a pen. She sat back down and handed the pen to Maeve.

Maeve looked at the pen, confused as to what Mikasa wanted her to do with it. "Open the front cover," Mikasa brought her knees up to her chest as she sat on the floor. She listened to Mikasa and flipped the cover open. On the page, all three of their names were scribbled down.

She grazed her finger over the names, feeling the bumps from the writing. "I want you to write your name," Mikasa told her.

"Are you sure?" Maeve wasn't sure if she had heard Mikasa. There was no way she'd want for her to write inside of her book. Mikasa nodded her head.

Maeve looks around for a pen in her bag but before she could find it, Armin hands her one. "Thank you," Maeve mumbled. She scribbled her name on the page of the book, near Mikasa and her friends.

"Have you started reading," Before Armin could finish his sentence the door busted open? Maeve turned her head to see who was the unexpected intruder.

"Eren!" Armin smiled and waved. Eren pursued his lips and gave Armin a soft wave. "Hey," Mikasa breathed out. Maeve watched as Mikasa quickly looked away from Eren.

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