Chapter 15: Bizarre..

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JoJo's Bizar


Alright fine- I'll continue with the chapter- *grumbles* (╥﹏╥)


"No....." A young boy laying down on a huge comfortable bed, mumbled as he squirmed around, messing up his tidy bed sheets.


"No..." He mumbled a little louder, sweat forming around the young boy's forehead.


"No...! I-I didn't mean.." Uncomfort took over the small unconscious body, as his squirming around the bed turned messier.

'I... You should have never been born in the first place... If only..'

'If only I had no morals, it would've ended sooner... You wouldn't be in this world to be the loathsome brat you are as of now..'

The boy began whimpering, salty water started to form on the side of his eyes. His body began to tremble in fear. In fear of the voice's next choice of words. In fear of the thought of abandonment. The fear of being all to blame every time..

'But here we are... She's dead because of you.. If your mother wouldn't have been the nice woman she was, I would've killed you..'

A shiver went down the boy's spine. His breath became uneven, awaiting the words that he have already guessed that would've been said, but still dread the voice to say those exact words.

'With my bare cold hands..'

"IT. WASN'T. MY. FAULT!" His eyes shot open as he sat up from the king-sized bed, placing a heart on his chest.

"W-What.... What happened.." He whispered to no one in particular. His heartbeat was going fast in fear, but slowly went slower as he breathed in a couple of breathes, finally getting his breathing to settle in.

The raven head woke up, to a dimly lit room with familiar surroundings. He cupped his face as sweat trickled down his forehead from the strange...
'W-Was that a dream or..' He paused the thought, another shiver going down his spine.
'A nightmare..' He thought, not knowing if that strange dreamish nightmare had it's own definition.

He sat motionless for while recalling the events. His breath started to be uneven as he shifted his attention to the window.

"M-Maybe I just need some fresh air.." He breathed in deeply from the suffocating air that he tried inhaling. He made his way to the window, stumbling and tripping on air in the process. He finally opened it to be met with a dim, dark-grey, stormy sky. He assumed it was already the afternoon of the next day when he fell asleep. But something confused him..

He looked around helplessly, hoping to find the person who he was hoping to be in the same room as him. And yet, he saw no traces of the servant. He sighed deeply in disappointment and distress to see that, his personal butler, wasn't there on his bedside. He wasn't there to tend to his master.

"Where'd he go, I wonder.." He asked himself, pondering on the thought for a while.

He heaved a sigh as he stared back outside, glaring at the gloomy clouds.
'Forget it... He'll eventually come back..' (That's what they all say— Anyways, moving on!) He thought as he hummed a familiar song.

♪I noticed you're remarkably re–♪ He hummed the lyrics of a familiar song to himself. A small smile crept onto his face as faint memories of the past started flooding in. He started tapping the window frame in tune with his humming.

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