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It was night, the strong wind was howling at two figures, the luminous moonlight shining upon the silhouette of what seems to be brothers, the younger being shorter than the older. They stared at the cold ground covered in snow...., in which layed three bloodied bodies. A woman, a man and a little girl. Their gaze did not falter as they were deep in thought. 'Why didn't they kill us instead..?' or 'W-Why'd it have to be them..?' The two brothers asked themselves. It started snowing as they watched a house burn down and the corpses slowly rot.
They swore revenge upon the people who did this to their family, and shall let them go through torture that no man can even endure.

Days turned into months, as months turned into years, and there they stood. In front of The Empire's Walls. They looked at each other for one last time thinking maybe this is their last day to live their miserable vengeful lives.
Chaos struck The Empire, as two teens have breached its entrance killing everyone within the walls. Every man, woman, child, knight, and warrior that stood in their way of vengeance. They entered the center building, in which where They stood inside. They entered this fortress, continuing to kill anything that stands within their way with ease, until they arrived at the last corridor. They opened it, and lead them to their main target. The Two Fallen Gods. The two gods were amused, as they hadn't experienced any encounter with a mortal who swore revenge upon them. The two brothers didn't waste time as they exchanged blows with the Two Fallen Gods. Which killed their family. Many injuries were sustained, a pool of blood splattered across the throne room in which they fought in. In the end...
The brother's emerged victorious. They tortured the two gods by first burning their empire, and started to do inhumane things to their paralyzed bodies. Many screams were heard inside the cellar, after a month of enduring the torture, they finally decided to kill the gods. They left the now burned remains of the Empire. They thought it was all over, they can now rest in peace, yet fate had another plan for the brothers.
"Who are you?!" The younger brother demanded, as two silhouettes emerged from their home far away from civilization.It had been weeks since the slaughter.

The two silhouettes smiled at the two brothers, as they possessed their bodies. After that, everything went into chaos, wars started, the once peaceful continent turned into a death zone. It ended after 200 years.

It is said that the brothers were cursed upon the two fallen gods, and the evil entity followed them and cursed their bodies. It is said that if you encounter one of these two brothers, pray for the gods to have mercy on you and hope for safety, as they now thirst for blood. It had been centuries since the last reincarnation of the two brothers that started and won many wars. They were named for their notorious thirst for bloodshed, they were known as The Fallen Blood Gods, or The Princes of Blood. It was considered as a myth made by their ancestors, but to this day, many believe that the two Blood Gods were reincarnated. Until one day....

A young teen exited the 7-11 with 2 bags in hand. "Finally! I can play my games in peace! Fuck you school! It's summer~!" The teen exclaimed as he crossed the road thinking on what to start first. 'Maybe I should make a Minecraft server first and invite my friends, they really wanted to play with me- But what about that new event in genshin! Ooh! Or that game that looks interesting, I think it was called 'Camp Buddy'? I don't know, it seems nice by the title, maybe about camping or something? The name doesn't suggest anything bad, so I might as well check it out!' The hyper teen thought (Little did he know, he's in for a treat if he really decides to play it, bUt iT's wOrth PlAyinG). As he was crossing the road rambling on about a novel he just finished reading, he hadn't notice that a truck was nearing him (We know where this is going- RIP), until he decided to stop and leaped forward successfully avoiding truck-sama. A failed mission for truck-sama.

"You're not getting me today truck-sama! I still have a life to live~! Blehh-- AH!" What the teen hadn't noticed that manhole-san was awaiting him, 'WHY, I DON'T WANNA DIE YEEETTT!' He mentally screamed, he closed his eyes expecting pain, but it never hit his face. He opened his eyes to be stuck by the entrance of the manhole as his body couldn't fit 🤡. Attempt #2 failed. "THANK GOD! I SHALL BELIEVE IN YOU AGAIN, I'M SAVED-" Before he knew it, he suddenly stopped celebrating as a random car with no driver ran him over, FINALLY!

'Th-T-There i-is no g-god...' He thought as his vision became blurry. 'F-Fuck you g-g-god, I t-thought you v-valued all life i-in this planet' Were his last thoughts as he was consumed by darkness. His body felt numb.

'I-Is this it...? Is this the end....? What sequence of events have brought me to this point..? What abhorrent-'

[Hello there! Welcome to the Void!]
An angelic voice interrupted the male's speech for an old meme.

'Excuse you! I was having a moment! And why am I not dead yet? Where am I?!' The male continued hyperventilating despite not living, and was eventually stopped by the voice.

[Ahem! As I said, HELLO! And this is the void! I am your personal companion that was sent by the God of Reincarnation! The reason was she pitied the way fate chose on how you died, which was unfortunate and stupid. Anyways! She decided to give you another chance at living! And I am here to assist you!] The angelic female voice enthusiastically explained to her new found master. He was dazes for a few seconds until reality hit his head really hard and he let it sink in for a few seconds before he decided to ask further questions to the rud- *Ahem* nice companion the God's have sent him.

'First off, what's your name? And when am I gonna get reincarnated? I wanna experience this isekai bs that turns into a harem and get swarmed by many ladies?' He asked the voice.
[Ah~ That's not how reincarnation works, no no. And as for my name, you can name me whatever you want! As I am your personal system to guide you through your journeies! And as for that last question, right now! Goodluck!] The system said to the young teen.

'I- W-What?!? Your new name is Fumiko, but wait-' Before he knew it, everything yet again turned black, what a nice day to be greeted by the void twice. He heard screams from what seemed to be a new born babies cries, which at the time he hadn't notice it came from him. He opened his eyes finally, seeing light and saw three blurry faces.

"He's so cute! Honey, what should we name our new baby boy?!" The woman now known as his new mother exclaimed her excitement to have a new family member brought upon her. The man which he assumed which was his father, paused a moment to think. And opened his mouth to speak.

"What about.... Candice.." The father said bluntly, holding a in a laugh.
"But it's a he-"
"Candice nuts fi-" He got slapped by her wife.
"Not in front of your two sons" The wife's voice and aura changed. The father sulked in a corner and eventually stood up.
"Okay okay, I was just trying to lighten up the mood, jeez! And his name.. Maybe.. Yuu.. Yuu Rosea.. Has a nice ring to it.." The father said. The mother and their other child nodded and smiled at Yuu.

Enlo~! Am back with another bad story! I just made this cuz I've been urging to write after reading a lot of stories and manhwa! So I finally got the courage to do this! Hope you enjoyed the prologue! Next up is chapter 1!

A Turn of Fate [❗ON HIATUS/DROPPED❗]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin