Chapter 4: Request

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Morning was approaching, and the Sun slowly rose from its slumber from beneath, as it painted the sky yet again with many radiant colors which mostly composed of orange and yellow. The morning light lit the dim room as it hit your face, you let a slight groan out as you shot your eyes open, still trying to take in that you are awake. You tried sitting up, but to no avail you were pulled back down onto the bed as you felt a pair of arms still enwrapped on your body. 'What the-" you thought, until realization hit your face. You flushed as you remembered that the you invited Prince Eiji to sleep with you in the same bed. You looked to your side to see his cutely handsome sleeping face, up close. I mean REALLY up close. There was barely any space between your faces, you felt his hot breathe hit your face. You blushed even more as you tried to get him off you. 'God inviting him to sleep here was a very bad idea, now I'm immobilized' You sulked as he just accepted his fate. You looked to your right as you stared at your wall clock. '5 am' The hands displayed. You sighed as you continued staring at the prince's sleeping figure. 'Ngl, do be looking cute tho, were we always hugging during our sleep-' He thought as his face returned back to it's favorite color of red.

A few minutes has passed and you just decided to think about your dream last night. It was about joining a SMP of some sort. 'Then I built a house then proceeded to kill everyone, that was fun! Too bad there aren't any technologies in this era. The-' You continued rambling on for a good 10 minutes until you remembered something. You remembered feeling something wet pressing against your cheeks when you were asleep, you didn't know what it was. Poor soul. 'Wait- Could it be hi-' You stopped as you held that thought you had. You began panicking trying to deny that one thought. Then your rambling and squirming came to a stop when you heard a slight groan from your side. You turned your face to your side as you saw Eiji was starting to wake up, so you decided to pretend to be asleep.

The newly awoken prince slowly looked to his side to find the cute sleeping face of Yuu. He just stared at your face as you slightly shivered feeling his gaze that was on you. The prince was just daydreaming looking like a dunce feeling awestruck to see your cutely sleeping face. He glanced at the time to see it displayed '5:46' on it. He slowly turned back to just looking at your face. He couldn't help it, he just wanted to cuddle with you and admire that face of yours for an eternity, alas he knew he couldn't make that happen (Unless...?). He slowly got back down and laid next to your 'sleeping' figure. You felt two arms wrap around you once again. You couldn't help but internally die and try to conceal your presumably red face. You weren't gonna lie though, you were in a comfortable position with him. You involuntarily nuzzled your face closer to his neck and snuggled up to him more. You cursed your body but still felt relieved that Eiji hasn't noticed you weren't actually asleep. Eiji couldn't help but smile and flush a little from the small gesture your body made while asleep, he couldn't contain his amusement. You two fell asleep once more, but you weren't really expecting to fall asleep again.

Time passed by and you were awoken by Arya again who couldn't help but squeal internally when she saw you two cuddling while being asleep. Thought feeling guilty for waking you up, she had no choice. You two slowly got up from bed, yawning a little. An idea popped in your head, for a little 'entertainment' if you may. You dismissed the maid and said you could take things from here. You sat up and glanced at Eiji.
"Ne, I was wondering....." You trailed off as Eiji just hummed in response but gave you a questioning look.
"Since we're gonna take a shower, you wanna join me~?" You beamed at the poor soul that you targeted. Eiji just stared at you blankly as he looked to his side, you saw a little pink forming at the tip of his ears. Oh you were already enjoying teasing the poor boy.
"A-Are you sure? Isn't that a little uncomfortable..?" He asked a little embarrassed but tried not to show it.
"Yeah! It'll be fun!" You beamed out of excitement. You smiled at him waiting for a response as he just stared at you blankly as his blush slowly crept onto his face, but it was barely noticeable.
"Fine..." He let out a sigh in defeat as you both entered the bathroom. You entered the tub first, followed by Eiji. You couldn't tell if he was blushing or if the hot water just affected him. You splashed him with water as you let out a giggle.

"Hey! Stop that!" He said as he splashed you with a larger amount of water. One thing lead to another and it turned into a water fight. You both let out a laugh despite being wrecked by him, he was too strong despite being too young.
"We should finish now" He said as a small smile was still visible on his face. You nodded and you guys start finish bathing. You went out and saw two pairs of clothes were laid there neatly on your bed. You slowly took off the tower and wore your clothes. Eiji tried his best not to stare, but he was too allured by your small figure. You both finished dressing up and went to the dining hall to have dinner with your parents.

They served you many exquisite and delicious food as you all started digging in. You sat next to Eiji as you two conversed on random things. Until you were brought deep into thought as you suddenly went silent, the prince wanted to question you or grab your attention, but he let you be for now as you two hanged out for most of the day as of now.
'Ne, Fumi? Ya there~?' You asked. It took a few minutes, but finally Fumi replied.
[G-Gah! Gomen! I was just looking at some pictures! A-Anyways! What is it that you may need from me master~?] Fumi replied still a little flustered. She was almost caught staring at pictures of you and Eiji sleeping cutely.
'I was just wondering.... And it's been on my mind for a while now...' You trailed off.
[Hmmm? Ask right away master!] She beamed.
'What is the outside world like in this world? I haven't really gotten to go outside besides going to the garden or looking outside the balcony..' You said as you involuntarily looked down.
[Oh, well the outside world is quite different from your previous life, but it's better if you find out yourself!] She answered. You thought for a while on how to get to travel the outside world. You were truly curious as you spent 5 years of your life in this household so far.

'Arigatou Fumi, I think I know what to do' You internally smirked. Fumi just blinked in confusion as she shrugged.
[It's no problemo master! It is my job to guide you so~] She said [Well, if that's all you need. I shall now go back to gazing on this thing called a 'picture'] She said as she went back into her own train of thoughts.
'Wonder what she's looking at.. Well, never mind then, I have more important matters to tend to!' You cheered.
You stood up from your chair as you slowly walked towards your parents who were talking to the kingdom's rulers. You stopped in front of them as you tugged your father's sleeve. He looked down on you slightly confused, as the other adults and Eiji just stared at you a little confused as well. You gave your parents the best puppy eyes you can make in order for them to allow this request of yours. You huffed.

"D-Dad.... Can I-I...." You started as you looked down. 'Thank god joining theatre and learning how to act really paid off' You internally screeched as you continued your act. They just stared at you with soften gazes as your father thought of what things he has done wrong for you to be in this state as your brother and mother just glared at your father.
"C-Can I go to the K-Kingdom? I wanna e-explore the outside..." You fidgeted with your fingers as you lowered your head more to enhance the effect of your scheme. As your father just stared at you blankly before opening his mouth.
"YES! ABSOLUTELY! JUST PLEASE STOP IT WITH THE EYES, IT'S KILLING ME!" Your father said as your mood immediately lightened up. 'Yesh!' You celebrated. You hopped onto your father's lap and hugged him.
"Thanks dad! You're the best!" You beamed as everyone in the room just awed at your childishness. It took a while for the Duke to realize what he agreed on as he was distracted by your child's play.

Boy he's gonna go off next chapter, but that's for another ti-I mean Eiji just stared at you wishing that you were hugging him again. He already missed your attention. Still, he couldn't help but smile.

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