Chapter 14: Nightmare or Dream?

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! Hu Tao's banner is ending, yet I still don't have her, and I am desperate on finding every single primo gem I can get my hands on, anyways! Enjoy :D


*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*
Can be heard as water fell violently onto the window. A boy with raven hair sulked as his head was supported by his arm as he stared outside, dreading to see the light of day.

A week had passed since his visit to his mother, and yet the little Yuu was still not content. He blinked as he watched more rain drops fall from the sky, wondering if the myth of the heavens crying really is true.


"Young master.... Shouldn't you be doing something more productive.." The cat servant deadpanned as he sat on the couch, reading a book called "The Art of War". He heard the crimson-eyed boy groan as he stuck his face onto the window.

"Yeah.... But I am not in the mood for such stuff.." He sighed. He was fatigued by the rain.
"Rainy days makes me... All y'know.. Depressed, sad and emotional and stuff.." He whined. The pink-haired boy could only shake his head in disapproval. He finally decided and stood up placing his book on the table.

Next thing he knew, he scooped the shorter boy onto his arms, bridal style which took the other boy with surprise and took him a few seconds to realize what was happening. He threw the whinny boy on his bed and tucked him in tightly. His master could only glare at him, knowing that he knew he couldn't do anything. 'Moody brat...' He scoffed.

"Why not get some sleep, yes? I don't want to spoil this perfect weather with your rotten mood.." He pinched the bridge of his nose, even though the mask was separating the nose bridge and the finger.

His master gazed at him for a while, in which he retaliated by staring back.
"Fine.." He finally heard his master sigh a breath of tiredness.
"You win this time... Feline.." He growled in a low voice hoping the servant couldn't hear his threat, in which he did.

He watched as his master fell asleep only a few minutes. He stared at the boy who has been getting mood swings lately.

'Is this normal for human teens..?' He thought, pondering on for a while as he stared at the sleeping figure that slept ever so peacefully.

"Nah.. Only the female species are, guess he's just built different." He shrugged and went back to his book.


Darkness.... Darkness consumed the boy's mind. Darker, yet darker. He stared into the void of oblivion that is the epiphany of his blank mind. As he stared, his face scrunches up more at the sight of nothing but pitch black, or in other terms, complete darkness.

He groaned. "Of all things to have a dream about-" He huffed and stomped on the nothingness of the not-so-existing floor.
"A room of darkness..? I truly wonder if I am okay in the head.." He sighed to himself in displeasure.

He started aimlessly wandering around the blackspace of his most inner thoughts, hoping to find something. Now you may be wondering, 'why won't he just wake up?' Well, the thing is, he was too naive and was determined to discover something new in this newly found world.

Along the journey, he made small talk with the air. He may have been going insane for the past hour, but who wouldn't go insane after not being able to see light nor have some company. A sudden thought came into his mind which made him gasp out of not realizing.

"W-Where..." He started as his body began to tremble. Truly a horrible thought was in his mind that he just noticed now.
"W-Where the heck is my brain?!" He yelled at no one specifically, as if expecting a ln answer.

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