Chapter 6: What Happened?

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Yuu's POV

Darkness... I continued my seamlessly never-ending hallway of seemed like a void of nothingness. Yet despite it being a neutral and nice feeling of calm, it's still quite scary of knowing that you may never wake up. That's what happening to me right now, cuz I know too well I was knocked out, but I hope Fumi kept her words and hope I'm still alive, keyword Hope. Still, she wouldn't lie, and I wouldn't be dead right?

*Time Skip*

I've been roaming around aimlessly in this dark void about approximately 1 hour or so, I dOn'T kNow, I lost cOunt, and still, I haven't- What the? Is that a light? AM I FINALLY WAKING UP? YES FINALLY! I ran across the seemingly endless dark corridors and eventually reaching the light. I came face to face to the sky's orange color indicating that the sun is just rising. I let lay there for a few minutes letting everything sink in. 'I, I'm alive?' I thought to myself. I stood up and dusting myself off and immediately started looking around. Until I turned behind me... The sight made my stomach churned and my eyes began to turn blurry... Blood...
"W-Why is there-" I said with my breathe a little ragged. Wait, aren't those guys the ones who tried to pull a surprise adoption on me? I mean serves them right- But why such a gruesome way to slaughter them.... Who could've done this...?
"W-Well, it's not really my concern now... As long as there's no blood on me, then I guess I'll head home.." I said to no one in particular. The people in the manor could be worried, but I'm more concerned if my privilege of going to the town is revoked by my father or not. That's what scares me the most...

I quickly ran away from the crime scene of the brutal massacre and tried to backtrack my steps to see if that would lead to any clues. As I was roaming around, I saw a knight. Hmmm.. They might help since... They work for the nobility and royalty right? Then they may know the direction back to the estate! I started walking towards them cautiously. Look, no one is bold enough to kidnap a kid in front of knights patrolling the area, so you're 100% safe! Speaking of which, this Kingdom is really... Weird.. It has a mix of a modernized Victorian era with a few more western and Asian things. Like a (almost) supermarket looking store in the Victorian era? Weird. Wonder if they have phones!
I tugged one of the knight's shoulders, he gave me a weird stare.

"What is it kid? Can't you see I'm busy here?" He asked a little annoyed. Busy with what? Getting drunk and chatting with other drunk knights? Very hard job you have.
"U-Um.. I was wondering if you know where the Rosea Estate is?" I asked politely but a little ticked off with the knight's hostility. He paused and tried to look at me clearly. Is he that drunk? He furrowed his eyes and realization hit him. It was the kid they were supposed to look for! Apparently news spread quick about him going missing.
"Yer comin' with me kiddo!" He exclaimed a little pumped.

"Wahh!" Welp, guess I'm either getting kidnapped or carried back home. Let's just see!

*Time skip*

"You shouldn't have run off like that! You could've gotten yourself hurt!" My father yelled. God this man is scary!
"From now on, you aren't leaving these grounds under any circumstances unless necessary! And if I do see you SNEAKING OUT.." He glared as I gulped and lowered my head more.
"You aren't going to see the light of day again." He coldly said. I just stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I guess I have this trauma with my parents of me not yelling/answering back, pulling a tantrum/fit over this or give a standing argument. I really can't bring myself to argue back against my parents, which sucks. Tears formed at the corner of my eyes as my vision blurred. Next thing I knew, I was crying. Father looked at me and just sighed. He crouched down to my level and held my shoulder.

"You know I'm just doing this for your own sake, right? So please..." He wiped my tears.
"Don't cry... It's just- What you did was reckless! And I was just worried." He said in a soft voice trying to calm me down, which worked. I nodded but still kept my head low. He sighed and dismissed me going back inside his and mother's room. I exited the living room and proceeded to head back to my room. Upon entering, I noticed someone was there. The prince.

I immediately wiped my tears and tried to compose myself.
"U-Uhm... H-Hey..." I said looking down a little.
"Sor-" I started but was then cut off into a hug.
"Idiot! Don't run off like that ever again! Okay!" He said a little mad. Not only did I make my family worry, but also the prince! Today's just isn't my day isn't it.
"I-I said I was sorr-" I said.
"No! It was my fault! I let you slip off my vision!" He shouted. I was a little touched, this is the first time I experienced someone not blaming me for something! I wanna cry again- But- It's just embarrassing!
"It's fine to cry once in a while you know.. And it doesn't make you look weak... But it makes you feel strong afterward!" He said in hopes of cheering me up. A small smile started creeping onto my lips.
"What you said didn't even made sense" I giggled. He flushed a little embarrassed.
"W-Well... In a way, it holds some truth to it." I smiled.
"And.. Thanks.. For always making me smile..." I gave a closed eye smile. He said it was nothing, anything for a "friend". I'm happy that he's my first friend, it's really hard for me to socialize since, well. I'm a little anti-social introvert who doesn't want a millisecond of talking to anyone unless necessary.

"Let's head to the living room, if that's okay with you..!" He asked, but mostly shouted. I smiled and nodded, letting him drag me into the hallway. There was a newspaper lying on the table upon our entry.
"What's on the news?" I asked a little curious. I checked the front page and my eye sockets almost flew out.


"W-What the..?" Eiji said a little baffled on the news.
"L-Let's just not mind that? And uh- Enjoy the view in the garden! Yeah!" I ushered him on the way to the garden.

"But didn't you say you-"

"Garden!" I shouted once again to avoid the subject. Phew. We played there till afternoon, when they needed to go back to the imperial palace. We said out final goodbyes and they entered their carriage. I went back inside to get lectured by my mom, dad AND older brother! Why do they love me so much! I know I look good- But this is too much!

*Time skip*

After that fiasco, I had nothing to do. I couldn't really go outside, revoked all rights to step foot on a square meter of grass that isn't owned by my father, brother busy with his studies, mother and father are doing something important. Oh... I know! The library! The greatest place to spend your time when you're bored! Plus, I need to gain more knowledge on this world! The novel only mentioned the human realm, so not much use in depending on novel knowledge.

After navigating my way to the library, which took half an hour, I entered to be greeted by a dusty old library. This place hasn't been used in years I presume, since it's crusty musty and dusty. It screams "FOSSILS" in here. I scanned through the aisles swiftly cuz I didn't want to waste time on looking for unimportant books.

After several minutes of trying to find the books I wanted, I finally found them! Now time to start reading!










Hewwow! Thanks for reading this chapter! Did I really just not sleep? It's currently 5:14 am :DD I suddenly got inspiration at 1 and started writing the chapters at 2 lmaoooo (╥﹏╥) Anyways~! I don't know what time I'll sleep but at least I finished both of these! And please feel free to leave some feedback and don't forget to leave a vote, I would really appreciate it (^ω^)

Hope to see you in the next chapter~! Ciao~!

A Turn of Fate [❗ON HIATUS/DROPPED❗]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora