Lost In Gotham.

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"This is bad" Fletching muttered before running his paws over his head anxiously.

"No, no, no this is-this is good!" Titan exclaimed but even he knew this wasn't "good".

"This isn't good, this is isn't even bad! This is really bad!" Fletching said as he started to breathe heavily "We're going to get in so much trouble and who's fault will it be? Mine! Mine because you're just a dog who's owner is obsessed with!"

Titan scrunched his face "That's not true, I'd say out of all of us Titus is the favorite then Goliath."

Fletching wasn't paying attention as he nervously ran his paws through his fur.

This morning Green arrow and Batman met to work on a case together. Fletching was brought to the batcave and there he met Titan and Titus who were thrilled to meet Fletching.

Unfortunately Titus was being taken to the vet for a check up on something he ate while Titan was being left behind, bored.

So to entertain themselves while their owners were distracted, Titan showed Fletching around the cave, he even showed him the Batmobile...... And the trunk of the batmobile.

As Titan was trying to show off the largeness of the trunk he jumped in with Fletching and by accident the trunk closed on them.

Now that wasn't the problem seeing as Titan could just bark and Batman would hear it then let them out but right before Titan had the chance to bark the Batmobile started and was driving out of the cave. The noise from the engines muffled out Titan's barks and therefore, they weren't heard.

Fletching at first was confident that Green Arrow would ask where his pet was but then it came about that Green Arrow had just decided that Fletching was having a blast with Titan and they ran off playing.

So here they were, in the trunk of the Batmobile, trying to figure out how to get out. The Batmobile had stopped a while ago and they were still stuck.

"I think Damian told me how to get out of a trunk once if I was ever dognapped!" Titan exclaimed excitedly.

"Do you remember than?" Fletching asked, doubtfully.

Titan thought then frowned "No I don't, but I think he said I was supposed to bite and pull something."

I'm most cars there should be a latch in the back that, when pulled, pops the trunk open.

Titan felt around them found some string brushed across his face.

"Oh this must be it!" Titan exclaimed before biting it and pulling hard.

The trunk opened as Damian had said and Titan pushed it up as cold fresh Gotham city air flodded in.

"Freedom!" Fletching gasped as he jumped out.

Titan looked around and frowned, as he didn't realize where he was. He was starting to think that staying IN the trunk would be the best option for Fletching and him until they got back to the manor.

"We should just stay here." Titan said but Fletching wasn't having it.

"No way am I getting back on that trunk with you again!" Fletching said quickly as he started to walk off. "I'm going to find Green Arrow and we will go on our mission, which by the way I do all the time!"

Titan frowned then slowly climbed out of the trunk.

"I don't like being lost" Titan muttered as he followed Fletching. "Do you know the way?"

"I am a Squirrel! I, of course know the way!" Fletching said snippily.

Titan's tail wagged as he followed "Well alright then! Lead the way!"

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