When He's Gone

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"When are we gonna get fed??!!!!" Garret groaned.

Titan looked over at him and frowned "You're such a pig, you should try to lose some weight!"

Garret rolled over and looked at Titan "I'm a ferret, I get hungry really fast! It's all this energy I burn when Damian is here. Speaking of pig what happened to the Guinea pig? It's been missing for a while now."

Titan shook his head and looked back at the door. He wished it would open and Damian would come through to play with him.

When the family were all away the animals of the house would be put in Damian's room on the account of the mansion being a mess one day when they got home.

"I want to play" Titan whined as he laid down on the floor and laid his head on his paw.

Garret scratched at his belly and said "I swear all, you Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers want to do is play, do you do anything else?"

"Like what?" Titan asked.

Garret picked at his teeth "I dunno, eat? You always eat on the go, right now would be a good time to catch up."

Titan sighed and laid his head down on the ground again while saying sadly "I'm not hungry, I miss Damian."

Titus woke up from his nap and started to stretch then walk to the water bowl.

Titan's ears lifted and he got up to follow Titus.

"Hey Titus! Want to play with me? We could play ball or tug of war! Want to share a dog chew toy?" Titan asked as he follow Titus back to his bed.

"Not right now Titan," Titus said as he started to go back to sleep.

Titan sighed and turned "I know how you feel"

He walked to the door and laid down again.

Garret watched him then got up "Gosh, that's depressing to watch" He turned and started to climb down from the book shelf.

He waddled pass Pennyworth and said "Hey, when is Damian getting home?"

Pennyworth opened his eyes and yawned before saying "Not sure, ask the bird"

Garret turned and saw the bird cage forever away. He sighed and started to scurry over.

"How exhausting, all this way just to make a dumb dog feel better? I'm just such a good person." He muttered to himself as he trotted over.

When he finally made it he was out of breath.

"I gotta cut back on the cheetos" Garret exhaled then tapped the bird cage. "Hey bird!" He said.

The raven turned and said "My name is Poison."

Garret showed his charming smile and said "You're my poison, but look over there!" He gestured to Titan "He's falling apart, come on, help me out. When's Damian returning?"

Poison looked at Titan then said "I don't know, ask Jerry"

Garret scrunched his face up and said "The turkey? No! We all know he only speaks German!"

"Then the fish and leave me be." she said swiftly.

She turned and just like that, the conversation was over.

Garret sighed then walked across the desk and to the fish.

"Hey fish, I'm gonna need some answers, when is Damian getting home?" He asked.

"Damian?" They all asked "Damian is home?! Damian! Damian! Damian! Damian!"

Garret scowled "No you imbeciles! When! When! When is he coming home?"

He didn't get an answer but had to walk away in defeat.

He half jumped half fell off of the desk and started to crawl towards Titan.

"Ah, sorry buddy, no one knows when Damian will come home. He might never come home, he could have found new owners." Garret said as he climbed back up his ferret tower.

Titan whimpered but then stopped. His ears lifted and his eyes widened. Titus and Titan lifted their heads at the same time as they listened.

"Is that, footsteps?" They whispered.

"Oh, here we go" Poison grumbled.

The dogs jumped up and started barking and a second later, Damian came through the door.

The dogs, turkey, Pennyworth, and even Garret all ran and climbed him.

"Oh Damian! I missed you so! Where have you been? We should play!" Titan exclaimed.

Damian skilled and pet them all and even threw a ball for Titus and Titan to run and fight after.

And once again, the pet world was at piece....... Until Titan knocked over a vase and Alfred had to clean up pot soil.

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