
"Well, well, well..."

At the sound of the new voice both of us looked towards the noise. Alastor growled lowly and I felt panic rise in me at the sight of Gary approaching us.

It was only him.

"Looks like...we have the slut," he motioned to me, "and then we have her new fuck toy..." he motioned to Alastor with a sneer.

Alastor just stood still, staring ahead at the person in front of us.

Gary kept approaching, his arms crossed.

"You had a big mouth earlier, kid," he growled at Alastor, "I really wanted to make you choke on your teeth...but you know how the old hag is," he shrugged and I backed up slightly behind Alastor.

They were nearly face to face. Gary was within reaching distance, and Alastor was still just staring at him...


Oh shit...

I watched nervously, glancing back and forth between them.

Suddenly Gary threw a punch but there was a sick crunch when it connected with Alastor's face.

"Fuck!" Gary yelled, and held his hand, "are you made of fucking stone?!" He screamed at Alastor, cradling his now broken hand.

Alastor chuckled, and it crackled with heavy static.

As soon as he took his first step towards Gary, I broke.

"Alastor, don't kill him!" I said worriedly and he turned to look at me, surprised.

"Why?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"Don't...please..." I whimpered and glanced at his hand. His claws were extended and he looked ready to strike any second.

Then there was a click, and my eyes widened, focusing on the gun now pointed at his head.

Alastor froze and made a sideways glance at the gun barrel.

Then he sighed, and mumbled, "shit..."


I screamed and covered my mouth, stepping back rapidly as I watched his body fall. There was a bullet hole in the side of his head and he was bleeding heavily.

My eyes trained back up to Gary, and he was scowling.

"Stupid brat..." he grumbled, staring at Alastor's—seemingly— dead body.

Then he sighed and looked at me.

I stumbled back, and then turned to run, but ran smack into something.

Rough hands restrained my shoulders and held me firmly. I looked up and I was trembling, staring up at Emmet.

Josh's other friend from earlier.

"Hi." He said gruffly and then grabbed me by the back of the neck.

I struggled against him as he drug me towards an alley way. I twisted around and desperately tried to look at Alastor.

He was still laying limply on the sidewalk...

Panic and fear both struck through my heart, confused as to why he's not getting up. They didn't actually hurt him...did they?

Tears welled in my eyes.

"Alastor, get up!" I called out desperately and Gary scoffed.

"I shot him in the fucking head, whore, he's dead," he said, and then laughed, "don't worry, you'll get to see him in hell soon enough."

Then I was shoved into the alley way, and I fell to my knees. I hissed at the obvious scrapes that produced, and then felt my hair get grabbed.

Emmet drug me down down the concrete by my hair, deep into the dingy alley. My legs and arms were on fire from the scrapes I was getting.

Next thing I know, I'm on my knees again, facing the dead end wall at the end of the alley. My body was trembling and I sniffled softly.

I felt the barrel of the gun against the back of my head, and then the sound of the hammer pulling back.

"Sorry about this, Ari..." said Gary, mockingly, "but someone compensated us handsomely in return for your life."

My eyes widened, and I shut my eyes tightly waiting to hear the shot go off.


My eyes shot open.

"Alastor...?" I whispered, and Gary lowered the gun.

I turned around, backing against the wall. Both Gary and Emmet had turned as well, and we were all staring at the silhouette at the end of the alley way.

The silhouette that had deep, blood red eyes.

"I shot you in the fucking head..." Gary said, disbelief in his tone. Alastor laughed.

It was an insane laugh.

In a split second he was closer, only 5 feet away from them. His teeth were razor sharp, and both men took a step back.

"It's dirty to shoot while your opponent is distracted." Alastor growled, and Gary quickly raised the gun again. There was a snarl and I quickly covered my eyes, curling up.

Several gunshots went off and all I could hear was Alastor laughing.

There were sounds of tearing and wet crunching, and then a heavy thud. I didn't dare open my eyes.

"Y-You're the devil!" I heard Emmet exclaim, terrified, and Alastor scoffed and chuckled.

"No, but I do run a hotel with his daughter." He said plainly, and then Emmet screamed but it was cut off by another crunch, then there was gurgling.

My body was trembling heavily, and I barely registered the footsteps approaching me. Alastor sighed, and I still had my eyes covered.

I was hiccuping softly, then I flinched at the feeling of his hands on my wrists. He gently removed my hands from my eyes.

Instinctually my gaze started to wonder to the pools of blood and guts everywhere, but Alastor shifted to block my view.

My eyes lifted up to his face, and he was smiling softly at me. He had morphed back into his demon appearance, and his eyes were glowing in the darkness of the alley way.

He reached down to touch my face and by instinct I flinched. He stopped and furrowed his brows slightly.

He continued his approach, but slower. As soon as his fingers made contact with my skin I burst into tears, and threw my body against him.

He reacted immediately, wrapping me up in a hug.

"Are you alright...?" he mumbled into my hair, and I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I thought they killed you!" I cried and he chuckled softly. His hand trailed up and down my back as he stood up, bringing me with him and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Oh, dear..." he said softly, running his fingers through my hair, "I'm ok, peu d'amour...their silly little guns can't hurt me."

His arm hooked under my thighs to hold me up and his other hand cradled my head into his chest, making sure I couldn't see anything.

The night was silent once more, the only sound being Alastor's footsteps as he walked down the alley way.

Then he stopped, and snapped, taking us home.

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