"Ev-en after wha-t we said to her, how we treated her.. she still saved Jungkook" Namjoon choked.

At the same time the doctor came out of the room with Byeol on the bed. Her bandage red from the blood.

They all stood up, rushing towards her.

Is she alright! Will she be alright?! Yoongi raised his voice as doctor looked sadly at them.

"We can't say anything right now. She is quite critical. We have to do surgery" the doctor explained before whisking her away to the surgery room.

Do-es th-at me-an their is a chance that she won't survive? Taehyung gulped.

"His words hit them all hard."

"Will they never be seeing her again? Her pissed face, her annoyed face, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful dimples and most importantly her beautiful smile. Will they never see it again?"

The reality hit them. The reality of how much they needed her, now that they might loose her.

"The reality of her not being a part of their life."

"It's said that once you loose someone, that's when you know their importance and that's exactly what was happening to the boys."

It's my fault hyung! It's all my fault! Jungkook sobbed. He didn't wanted to loose her.

None of them wanted to loose her.

Seeing their youngest brother like that, their tears finally escaped.

"Tears of desperation."

All the moments with Byeol flashed in front of them. They can't loose her again.

"They can't loose their sister once again."


"It was one of the hardest time of their lifes, sitting outside of the surgery room waiting for any news."

"Jungkook's cries had finally died as he was now intensely glaring at the closed door".

All of them were. They just wanted for her to be alive.

"The hours spent outside made them realise how much they needed her."

The door finally opened as all of them stood up.

How is she? She is ok? Is she going to be fine? They all bombarded the doctor who was used to this.

"She is fine" he said as all of them sighed in relief.

"Though i have to say, her condition was really critical but she seems to be a fighter. She had some internal bleeding and a fracture to her right hand and it will take her some time to be able to resume her body movements but she is fine" the doctor explained.

Thank you doctor, thank you so much! Yoongi said as the doctor nodded.

"You can see her if you want, she in unconscious right now but please be quiet."

They looked at him thankfully and Jungkook was the first one to rush inside.

"Their heart broke at the sight."

All kinds of wires were connected to her small body.

"Tears of relief and guilt escaped the male maknae's eyes as he saw her breathing, even it was barely but she was breathing "

He instantly ran towards her, holding her small hands.

"I am sorry, i am so sorry for everything" he cried.

Jin sat on the other side of her bed looking at her sadly.

"We are all sorry, we were so caught up in our past that we totally pushed away the present."

"But not anymore Byeol, we are ready to accept you. Today made us realise how much we needed you in our life. We are ready to let go of our past" Namjoon stated looking at her.

"That's right, we lost one sister but we won't loose another one Byeol. You are our sister and we are not going to let our past hinder our present. Our mom and sister would have wanted us to be happy and we were fools to not realise it earlier" Hoseok said to her unconscious body.

"We will try to be our best self. We will become the brothers you want Byeol. We promise" Jimin smiled sadly.

"I am sorry Byeoliee for everything" Taehyung whimpered.

But hyung...Will she forgive us? After what we said to her?

"I don't know Jungkook" Namjoon sighed. We hurt her pretty badly but what i know is we are going to beg for her forgiveness until the end.

"We are going to give her the love and care she deserves."

"We are going to treat her as our little sister."

𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔(𝑭𝒕. 𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑩𝒚𝒆𝒐𝒍)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora