chapter 23

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Katsuki had pulled out and watched the cum drip out of him before he sat him in his lap “Im right here love, there’s nothing thats to much to ask for” he hummed out kissing his cheeks. Sero whined loudly and cried out as he curled up and his Daddy. "Me feel like slipping..." Katsuki cooed and held sero closer “Go ahead and slip honey im right here baby” he spoke out softly as he wiped his tears. Sero nodded and slipped into little space. He then cuddled into his Daddy and purred a lot. "Daddy pwease gimme pacy..." Katsuki continued to hold his baby close while gently patting his head “Sure love” he grabbed his paci and gently placed it into his baby’s mouth. Sero giggled and started sucking on his paci. "Dada is so twall!" Katsuki chuckled and kissed his baby’s forehead “nope your just small” Sero pouted and crawled on the face from Katsuki. "Ha! Now chu are bwind!" Katsuki chuckled and picked sero up placing him back into his lap “im not blind anymore” he spoke out. Sero whined loudly and crossed his arms as he then crawled away and fell from the bed. "AHHH!! O-Owie..." he then started crying. Katsuki cooed and picked sero up and held him wiping his tears “you ok
love, im right here darling” he hummed out kissing all over his face. Sero held onto Bakugo tightly as he cuddled into him. "Tanky Dada... Chu da best!" Katsuki smiled and held him closer “No problem baby” he hummed out kissing his forehead. Sero soon fell asleep in his Daddy's arms. He slept peacefully and made cute noises. Katsuki let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes and soon fell asleep still holding sero close. Sero woke up on the next day as he rubbed his eyes and let out a cute yawn. Katsuki had continued to sleep as he held sero close making sure that he was comfortable.

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