chapter 18

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Katsuki held sero close seeing how he cuddled into him “mhm im awake now” he cooed out as he kissed his cheek. Sero started to climp on his Daddy, wanting to sit on his shoulders. Katsuki shook his head as he picked sero up and placed him back onto his chest. Sero whined loudly and started climbing again. It seemed like he needs to do that. Katsuki shook his head again and out sero back on his chest “no love” he hummed out softly. Sero pouted and started punshing his Daddy's chest. "Meanie! I just wanna be big!" Katsuki rolled his eyes a little and continued to hold him close “Im not mean love” Sero pouted a lot more and growled. "You are! Old hag!" “call me that again and ill spank you” he spoke out looking at sero. Sero hissed loudly and smirked. "Old hag!" Katsuki scoffed and pulled sero onto his lap landing a harsh slap on his ass “Tch you little brat.” Sero whined and gasped, grabbing onto the blanket. "O-Owie..." Katsuki looked at sero “give me a color love green,yellow or red” he hummed out rubbing his ass. Sero pouted and trought a little. "I think green it is... Red is not my color rn and yellow is more denki's color." Katsuki chuckled and shook his head “Love green means to keep going yellow means to slow down and red means to stop” Sero wiggled and shook his ass. "Then why don't you keep going? I said green so do it!" He landed another harsher slap into his ass “yeah sure.” Sero cried out and sobbed some while drooling. "A-Asshole!" Katsuki held sero close and rubbed his back “sorry love” Sero sobbed and nodded. "D-Daddy is mean...." Katsuki had sighed and rubbed his ass and held him close. Sero cuddled into him and looked around. "D-Did you here something from Kiri or Denki...?" Katsuki shook his head no “kirishima put something online about kami and now he cant find a caregiver or dom”

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