Start from the beginning

"Shhhhh!" I placed my finger on my lips. "It's Ok Bilal,I understand. You see,our lives are so alike. The only difference is,Your parents didn't have a choice to leave you,it was Allah's plan. But mine,they sold me out! I'm now left with no one,just like you" I sadly smiled.

"We are each other's family Bilal" I uttered. "I'll have to meet a lawyer to adopt you as a brother" I said that to enlighten the situation. He started laughing so crazily,suddenly...the laughter turned to cries. I stretched my arms to collect the pillows. I handed him one and held the other.

"Since I'm not your biological sister and cannot hug you,hug the pillow on my behalf. Cry your heart out Bilal,let it all go"he nodded and kept on crying. I just sat there watching him release all his pain in the form of tears. I hugged my pillow and sighed. I felt so much pain in my heart seeing him cry like that. I have my share of difficulties in life but Bilal has also suffered.

I collected water from the pot and handed it to him. He drank and lied down,just to be overtaken by sleep.

I carried the bowl given to me by Zainab and took it out to wash it before returning it. I was doing that when Alhagie showed up behind me.

"I'll do that,you just go and rest in the room...You have not fully recovered yet" he said.

"Why did you ask Zainab to lie to me?" I stood and looked at him.

"I never told her to lie to you,she did it because she wanted to" he answered confidently. "Infact,I asked her to tell you that I cooked specially for you" really? Why would Zainab lie? I found myself believing whatever Alhagie was saying,like a hypnotized being.

"Ok. Don't worry,I can wash this bowl on my own" I replied.

"Hey,don't be angry. You are our guest,we will do everything to keep you happy" really? He thought I was just a 'guest'?

But that's what I was anyway. What was I expecting him to refer to me with?!

"Now give me that bowl" he said,but I threw him a serious look and finished what I was doing. I gave him back the cleaned bowl and walked into the hut.

"But Bilal is sleeping here...I cannot just sit here like that" I thought aloud. I walked out again and met Alhagie standing at his door.

"Let's go on a tour around the village" he offered. I wanted to be stubborn and strict but I found myself nodding to that. He smiled and rushed to the room.

"Ladies first" he signaled with his hand. He was a gentle village guy.


We roamed around the whole village and had a lot of fun. He told me the names of many trees and plants and even took me to the river. He was so good in fishing,I mean,he caught three different types of fishes. We prayed in the village mosque together and set out for home. On our way back,he took me to a huge sweet shop and bought a lot of sweets and chocos.

"The village is quite an interesting place" I said.

"Of course,this is not all,we can have another tour next time inn shaa Allah." I smiled.

"Thank you" I appreciated as he raised his hands dismissively.

"Anything for you Haja Ayesha"

"Hey,can you stop calling me Haja Ayesha"

"Ok ok Yaa Ayesha" I shook my head on the fact that he couldn't just call me Ayesha.

We passed by a big log and he sat on it claiming he was a little tired. I stole a glance of him,once,twice...the third one,he caught me,Ouch! That's scary.

He cleared his throat, "stop doing that ok". To say I was embarrased was an understatement. I wanted the land to split and swallow me.

"Hey it's ok...I know I am handsome" he said when he noticed that I was tensed. "That's what Nnaa Fatimah tells me" we both laughed and continued our journey. This guy was special,he makes me feel nervous and excited at the same time. We walked pass a flower,he retreated his steps and pulled it out.

"For you" he handed it to me.

"Thank you" I carefully took the flower from him making sure my hand didn't come into contact with his.

We walked into the compound and bumped into Nnaa Fatimah. Alhagie was trying to explain himself but Nnaa said she understood and left...with a weird smile on her face.

Alhagie blushed, I excused myself and went into my room. I stood behind the curtain and peeped through the space between the curtain and the door. I saw him throw a punch in the air and it was my turn to turn orange...since white people turn red when they blush,we the blacks turn orange,lol!

"Hey,what are you looking at?" I got startled by Bilal.

"You scared me Bilal" I frowned.

"Sorry,now tell me what you are looking at and who gave you that flower?" He talked like the big bro that I took him to be.

"Since we are each other's family,I'll tell you" I grinned "I was looking at Alhagie and he gave me this flower too" before I was done with what I was saying,he tried to take the flower from me but I was quick to move my hand.

"Listen Bilal...somethings happen to me whenever I am around Alhagie. You know me right...I am not scared of anyone,but when he is around,I feel nervous. I don't want to do somethings but I find myself doing them just for him,I am sometimes shy and when he says I am a guest,I feel bad. What do you understand about that?" I asked with all seriousness.

"It's nothing are just not used to him." He answered and stood up. "I'm leaving"

What's wrong with him?
I am sure he didn't give me the right answer.
But why?



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