Epilogue~Part 2

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(Erica is 9 months pregnant)

Erica's POV

"Haz, it's enough now", I told Harry who was trying to feed me.

" Come on darling. Just one more bite. I promise I will not tell you to eat more afterwards ", he told, raising the spoon to my mouth.

I took the bite and chewed slowly, not really wanting to eat anything.

I just didn't feel like eating anything today. I was feeling really tired all day. I had been having cramps since last two days and I feel like I am going to give birth to our baby soon.

"Can we go to sleep now?? ", I whined.

" Yeah honey. I will go and wash the utensils and you can go to our bedroom. I will come in a tic", he said, pressing a chaste kiss to my head and then running towards the kitchen.

I went to our bedroom and laid down on our bed. I tried my best to keep my eyes open but I was really tired. I drifted off to sleep and last thing I remembered was the sound of water running that was coming from the kitchen.

<................. >

I had had enough now.

I had been awake since past twenty minutes and the pain in my belly is getting worse by each second.

I tossed and turned on our bed to find a comfortable position to sleep but I couldn't.

Harry was sleeping soundly beside me and I didn't want to disturb him. He needs his rest because he works all day for me.

I sat up straight when I felt it was getting too much.

I sighed and started taking deep breaths.

Then, I felt water dripping down my core.

I panicked.

"Harry!!", I called out, shaking him a little. " Haz!! Wake up".

Harry woke up with a jerk, getting alarmed to my condition.

"What happened babygirl?? You okay?", he said looking at me with tired eyes, concern all over his face.

" My... My water just broke ", I panted.

His eyes went wide and he got out of the bed, running to my side.

" Don't worry babe. I've got you", he said and lifted me up in bridal style.

He took me towards our car and I got in the backseat.

My breathing was heavy and my hands were pressed to my belly.

Harry got in the driver's seat and drove as fast as he could towards the hospital.

"Haz... Haz... I-i can't", I choked out.

" Baby, you can do this", he said. "I love you and I know you are really strong. Just a little longer and we will reach the hospital, yeah?? "

I nodded.

<................... >

It has been hours since I have been in labour and Harry had not my side since.

He was holding my hand all the time, muttering sweet 'I love you's in my ear and kissing my head.

"Come on Mrs. Styles!! Just one more push", the doctor said.

I pushed with all the amount of energy left inside me.

" Your doing so well, love. Just last one ", Harry murmured.

And finally!!

We heard our little angel's first cry. The doctor took our baby to get him/her cleaned up.

"Oh my love. You did it. I am so proud of you", Harry cooed, kissing my face several times.

" Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Styles. You have been blessed with a cute baby girl", the doctor told.

She gave our little girl to me and I held her for the first time in my arms.

My eyes welled up with tears when I looked at her face. She was so beautiful.

"She is beautiful", I whispered in a raspy voice.

"Just like her mother", Harry said and kissed both my and our girl's heads.

" Look Harry!! She has green eyes like you ", I pointed out.

" Yeah. And look her lips are just like yours", he said with a chuckle.

"What shall we name her?? ", I asked.

"Fleur Anne Styles", Harry said with a smile. He took Fleur from my arms and held her close to his heart.

"Thanks for everything Eri", he said. " You are the best. I love you forever ".

" I love you too, my hazza", I said and kissed his lips softly.

It was a new beginning to our lives. A new journey with me and Harry together forever.

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