"Uh, no." Anna cringed. "But I will go with you guys to the store since Ezra is staying behind. I wanted to buy some of that whipped cream flavored stuff we had a few nights ago."

Anna threw her e-reader down on the coffee table and stood up quickly. She latched herself around JD's back like a poisonous fungus. JD's body language changed from excited frat guy to boyfriend mode the second her touch began siphoning the life from him.

"If Riley wakes up, tell her that Anna left her some of her stuff out in case she wants to get cleaned up before the party," JD added as the three of them made their way to the front door.

I nodded and turned around to run back upstairs before the screen door even latched.

I ran into my room and opened the nightstand to grab some condoms out to stash in the bathroom.  I wasn't kidding about the shower, but it sounded like a golden opportunity to get more naked time with Riley. If things escalated the way I thought they could, I didn't want to end up back down at the pharmacy later tonight.

Inside the bathroom, there was a pile of clothes sitting next to Riley's bag. I picked up the scrap of red cloth on top of the pile and held it up to examine it. I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. The black things underneath ended up being some sort of stretchy pants with a slight sheen to them. That must mean the red thing was supposed to be the shirt Anna picked out for her.

No matter how I turned it, it didn't make any sense to me.

Anna was going to regret her choice. If JD didn't get to her first, I would be more than willing to sub in and take over. Even though I would love to see Riley in the barely-there, skin-tight clothing, I didn't want anyone else to get a chance to look at her body. It wasn't anyone else's to look at. 

I unzipped Riley's bag to see what else she had in there for clothing options.  There was a neatly-folded, silky set of thin matching pajamas at the bottom and a pair of miniature black panties.  She definitely didn't pack to stay long and the pajamas didn't look any more appropriate than the other outfit. I put everything back and rezipped the bag.

Nothing she had in there would be useful tonight.

I groaned, realizing how hard it would be to keep attention away from her in that outfit, but I would have to figure it out one way or another.  I swear every time I was with her, I had to be ready to fight someone.

Tonight wasn't going to be any different.

I deposited the foil wrappers in one of the vanity's drawers and grabbed her almost empty bag to take back to my room.  I dropped it quickly on my dresser and strolled next door to JD's room to wake her up.

The door was shut, but I was hoping it wasn't locked or I would have to break it down to get to her. I jiggled the doorknob and sighed in relief when it turned easily in my hand.

In the opposite corner of the room, Riley was sprawled out like a naughty little nymph on the bed. Her hair was all over the place in that perfectly placed way that only existed in movies. There was no trace of the worry or anxiety that she carried earlier on her face as she slept.

She was beyond captivating to the point I was starting to doubt that she was even real.

I went over to the bed and sat down on the edge. After seeing her so peaceful in a deep sleep, I didn't want to wake her up, but we also didn't have much time.  We possibly had an hour before JD and crew would get back.  I had to take advantage of every opportunity I had with her.

Riley began shifting when I placed my hand on her cheek and swiped the shorter hairs that were covering the side of her face. I stuck them back behind her ear so they wouldn't bother her when she woke up.

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