Chapter 47

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Reader trudged wearily from the lift when the doors pinged away from each other, to the unassuming front door of the Bangtan flat. Unlocking it, she let herself in, but as always gave a little knock and a call before letting the door swing wide into the hall allowing the boys a little privacy and, at least, the illusion that she wasn't basically living there.

As she walked in, she came eye to eye with a static camera which had been placed, along with about thirty of its friends around the apartment. Reader reminded herself that she wasn't living in a dystopian sci-fi and that this was a perfectly normal sight to be greeted by. They were being filmed constantly these days.

"Oh, you're here." Said Hoseok wandering across her path.

"Yes, Jimin wants me to watch some TV with him. We're on season five now. He should be here soon."

"Jimin-ah is here." Pointed out Hoseok as they both entered the living room. And indeed, there was Jimin, sitting on the sofa, his feet and knees drawn up like an excitable child. Sometimes, Reader wanted them to finish Dr Who just so he could focus on anything else.

"How did you beat me here when you had to get food?" She asked, taking her bag off in preparation to deposit it in Jungkook's room.

Jimin looked at her with the quintessential round-mouthed "Oh" that was variable for Koreans between surprise, shock and guilt. Reader knew this was a guilty "Oh."

"You forgot the food! Jimin-ah, you are a pest." She lamented.

"What is 'pest'?" He asked.

Namjoon who was lounging across form them, answered. "Haechung."

Jimin looked hurt and took out his phone to begin the process of ordering them dinner. They had all been working so hard over the last two weeks, and without much sign of let up, that home cooked food or group meals of any form were becoming scarce. If you were lucky enough to find some leftover Kimchi Stew in the fridge, it was fair game. They were all living on takeaways but at least the Seoul variety offered genuinely healthy options.

"Okay, I will order. What do you like? Then we watch?" He asked insistently, his thumbs already working over the screen.

"Anything. Yes, we can watch but only one or two because I cannot keep getting only five hours of sleep, it's messing with the dancing."

"Why don't you nap more in the day?" asked Namjoon, scrolling through Weverse on his own phone. Reader knew he was pretending to be aloof. He liked Dr Who almost as much as Jimin did.

"I just can't do it the way you guys can. It leaves me feeling worse. And it takes me too long to fall asleep." She grumbled, slumped next to Jimin, forgetting the jacket she'd meant to take off and the bag hugged to her front she'd meant to take elsewhere.

"We send you to bed at a right time. You have to stop Jungkookie waking you up." Jimin grinned and Reader feebly whacked his shin with her hand. His grin stayed in place.

Reader text their group telling them the next episode would be starting in ten minutes for anyone who wanted to watch. The fan club had expanded too much for them to all wait around.

"How did it go you two?" Asked Namjoon lazily, craning his head round to the duo.

"Good." Replied Reader brightly putting her phone in her pocket and wrestling herself out of her jacket. The chill without it made her snuggle into Jimin's side and he wordlessly slipped his arm around her shoulder. They both knew Jungkook would steal her away before too long so they enjoyed their cuddles while they could. "I'm happy and Jimin thinks you will be too. We tried on a couple of them together. Do you want to see?"

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