Chapter 43

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Although the hour in Seoul was either unsociably late or unconscionably early depending on how you looked at it, Namjoon and their present managing staff decided to call back home and lay out a game plan there and then.

The boys were obviously rattled by what had happened to Reader. There was something to be said for it only having happened to her and it being on foreign, British, soil. But whether or not BTS could forgive what had happened to her today, they couldn't let anything like it happen again. Mostly, the team were sat around a large seating area with a couple of phones on speaker so various managers and producers, pulled form their beds, could talk through what needed to happen.

Reader was sat, with Jungkook on a separate loveseat. She, making him listen to music with her to calm down, and him making her hold a cloth with some ice in it to her face. The stinging cold of the ice was now hurting more than the clout had. She'd been hit with what they now knew to be an ARMY bomb; the various ironies of using that as a missile amusing no one. The rest of the room were leaving them to it. Jungkook was distressed to the point of quiet seething and it was only Reader, carefully sliding straight into another favoured track of theirs that was keeping him in his seat beside her rather than in the conversation happening across the room, which no doubt he was understanding more of than she was.

A knock on the door halted proceedings when it was opened by one of the team to reveal the uniformed Sergeant they'd spoken to at the airport and another officer who they didn't recognise. They came into the room, removing their caps and Reader, removing both ice pack, headphones and Jungkook's arms, stood up knowing it was her they wanted to speak to.

"I'm glad to see you in one piece." The large officer said jovially and Reader smiled, covering her nose in embarrassment, for she still looked a little like Rudolph.

"I'm sorry we didn't take it more seriously. I hope I didn't do anything to set it all off. Was your man, Alex, was he alright?" She asked, remembering the plain clothes officer who'd put her safely in the car.

"Yes, he's alright. Think he quite liked getting attacked by one hundred screaming ladies!" Joked the officer and Reader smiled again. He pointed at the sofa nearest to them and gestured for Reader to sit down. The team parted to let them through, with a couple of bows which confused, but pleased the British police. Reader could feel Namjoon, their manager and Jungkook all hovering close by while the rest gave them some room.

"I don't know what it felt or looked like to you, but the good news is that the whole thing was kicked off really just by a couple of the crowd. Everyone else just got a bit excited."

Reader displayed a little surprise. It hadn't felt like that, it was felt like everyone at the airport was pressing angrily in on her.

"It could have been worse and we thought it would be. Most of the crowd were positive in the finish, just a few rogue individuals. We've got four people in custody at the moment. All young women, some girls actually. All claiming to be die-hard fans of these guys." The middle-aged brit pointed towards the Grammy winning group as if to say 'whoever they are!'

"One of them is the one who got in your face and shouted at you, one of them threw the lantern at you, although she swears up and down that she never meant to hurt you. The others we've got because they started getting stupid when we broke everything up."

Reader was nodding along, already knowing what she was going to say about all of this when he'd finished speaking.

"Most of what I've just finished dealing with was a crowd of teenagers fighting with each other. I don't know what you've done to upset them," He continued with a glint in his eye, "But there's no excuse for inciting that kind of violence. Now before we decide..."

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