Chapter 2

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Dumbstruck by their collective appearance, she could do little but nod her head at each of them in turn, feeling the full weight of the project she was taking on. Turn her into a version of them...? No, it couldn't be done. Judging by the looks on some of their faces, they agreed.

They would have seen her picture and know everything she'd shared with the exchange program and the studio by now but maybe in the flesh it was a bit of a shock to them. She'd not made any special effort to look good for these meetings. After all, she'd just spent all night travelling and felt it best to dispense with all pretense right away. So, they had a very tired and very real version of her in front of them. Jeans, no make up and hair up. At least this was as bad as it would get.

Quickly though, RM rushed forward holding out his hand which took one of hers and clasped it confidently. "Welcome, Reader! Welcome." He smiled broadly. "We are so pleased that you are here. We have all been excited to meet you." As he spoke, he pulled her back with him further into the room and towards the others.

"Thank you." Reader replied looking first at him and then repeating "thank you!" obsequiously to the group.

"Did you have a good journey?" RM asked cheerfully.

"Yes thanks, very good."

She looked around having thought someone was just having another conversation but then she realised it was Laura repeating what she and RM were saying but in Korean for the benefit of the others. She faltered in her talking and therefore, so did Laura. She turned back to the group.

"I'm so pleased to finally be here and to meet all of you. It's quite an honour really. I know a million other people would like to be in my shoes..." She broke off and turned to Laura. "Sorry, it that easy to translate, can I use idioms and stuff?"

"Just talk." Laura smiled and gestured for her to turn back. She continued.

"Anyway..." Some of the members were grinning at her. J-Hope in particular, but it was her understanding that he was always cheerful. RM and Jimin too. But the others didn't seem to be enjoying her greeting. She persevered in a rush of breath. "I just wanted to say that this was all a big shock for me but I'm going to try very hard not to let any of you down."

Laura finished seconds after she did and the line of boys, led by RM nodded, some a little more encouragingly than others.

"Well, alright then. Shall we have some lunch, and we can get to know you a little more." He gestured behind him to a table with bowls, plates and bottles. Food steaming under clingfilm. Reader took a modest bowl of rice and some, as yet unknown, curried meat before sitting, cross legged on the floor with the others. She realized with a start that on the opposite wall, there was a camera man with a sound boom who was quietly filming them. No one else seemed to notice or care. She realized that this would of course form part of the documentary which, along with the concerts next year would showcase the project's success. Hopefully.

Trying her best to eat without making a mess, she tucked in and answered RMs questions about her day so far, where she lived and what had brought her to this point.

Reader knew from watching their interviews that his English was very good but most of the time he had to swing between holding up the conversation and translating for the other members. But with Laura present it wasn't necessary and he was an easy conversationalist. Every now and again they would throw something out to the others in the group or answer a quick interjection but mostly she didn't speak with anyone else.

A firm cough from Sung-Ho from the side of the room seemed to bring lunch to a close and without rest, the boys all stood and so followed Reader.

"Time to move on." Repeated Laura.

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