Chapter 18/19

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Back at the hall, Namjoon asked for the room to be cleared except for the band. Laura stayed because Namjoon wanted to speak and be understood in Korean so that none of the less-able English speakers were left out.

Everyone sat round the table and Reader tried to look anywhere except for Jungkook, knowing that adding her own obvious emotions into this wouldn't be helpful. He sat almost opposite her and looked intensely worried but no one else did. Reader knew that the boys had all spoken to Jungkook at breakfast and so whatever they were about to say to her, he had already heard and possibly shaped. She felt quite sure that they weren't going to fire her from the project (if that was even in their power to do.) After all, she and Jungkook hadn't done anything explicitly wrong. But maybe the idea of her beginning to date one of the band members was so preposterous that no one had thought to legislate against it.

Reader felt Laura fidgeting too and wondered whether her strange relationship with Jin would come up during this. It felt unlikely that anything would happen in this group that all seven members wouldn't know about.

Namjoon began and a few moments later, Laura spoke for him.

"As you know, when there's a conflict in this group, we all get together and talk about it. For a decade, we've been a team and we've sacrificed a lot to make this group what it is today. We all want BTS to work and for our fans to continue to show their love for us and we put that before everything."

Everyone nodded, Reader included. She was used to the Korean propensity for impassioned speeches but also knew that he was quite right, they had all sacrificed a lot to be here.

"We have a conflict because we know now that you and Jungkook have started a relationship."

Reader took in a quick breath and nodded carefully, although it wasn't a question.

"We've spoken to Jungkook this morning and he has told us that you would both like to carry on seeing each other." He continued and with a quick confirmatory glance at each other, Reader and Jungkook both nodded again.

"We're not your parents and obviously we're not in charge of who you date." Said Yoongi who seemed as uncomfortable as Reader. "But we're worried about the project and the rules that we have to follow. Jungkook's behaviour has already caused disruption to your training and we need you both to focus."

Namjoon turned back to Reader and said, "We need you to understand the rules of what it means to date one of us."

Reader, trying to remain as deferential as possible wasn't going to speak until she was invited to, and so she nodded again at him.

"You will have to keep your relationship completely secret from everyone. Only a very few people will be able to know. In the past we have mostly all had relationships and we've had to ask girls to sign non-disclosure agreements to keep the information secret. It's very difficult with you because you have so much access to us and the world knows about you already."

"It would be very difficult for us and for you if ARMY found out that Jungkook was dating someone so close. Because some of them really wouldn't like it and could become very nasty." Put in Jimin worriedly.

"We've trusted you and you've lived with us and seen how we behave in private." Continued Yoongi, "Which is something that's never happened before, but we all felt it was necessary for you to train alongside us. We knew about how Jungkook felt and we understand from him that it's real and he tells us that your feelings are sincere too and that we should trust you. You may think that it's glamorous and good for you to date an Idol but the reality can be quite different."

On hearing Laura's translation, Reader put her hand to her chest, genuinely shocked by Yoongi's stern words and their possible implications. She recovered herself to let the others speak.

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