Chapter 15

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Reader woke up the next morning with a deliciously warm feeling. She felt better rested than she had in a long time having slept peacefully and happily. Even as she opened her eyes, she thought of Jungkook down the hallway and wanted nothing more than to get up and see him. He must have been thinking the same thing because there was already a message for her waiting on her phone.

"Do you want to run?"

She smiled and text back "Yes." And she fairly sprang out of her bed to put on her clothes and trainers.

The house was all quiet as she crept out into the hall and waited for Jungkook by the door. When he emerged, he flashed her a twinkling smile which she shyly returned. He came to stand in front of her, just a little closer than he normally would. He was giving her the opportunity to tell him to back off but of course, she wouldn't. She ducked her head and stepped closer still, bumping the toe of her trainer against his.

"Good morning." He said in a hushed voice. She wondered if he'd deliberately cracked out a low voice to impress her. It had worked.

Not wanting to deny herself any longer, she leaned into him, letting her lips brush across his. For a moment she was frightened but registered it as a hangover from wanting to kiss him for weeks and not being able to. Being able to do it, with no retribution, was a mind-melt. It would take a while to get her head around it.

"Good morning." She whispered, her lips still hovering over his.

There was a distant noise from the right corridor. One of the other members starting to rise no doubt. They both looked towards the sound like startled cats and broke apart.

"Lets go." Reader surmised for both of them and they left the apartment still casting shy glances at each other.

At the front of the building, where they would normally set off without preamble, they instead walked slowly away from the entrance and he took her round a corner, towards the service entrance. Now well out of sight they came to a stop.

This time when she looked at him, instinctively casting her eyes about to make sure they were alone, she saw he was wearing a large and genuine smile and she mirrored it for him.

"I know we are running and we must talk..." He said, fondling her gloved fingers with his own; The Korean spring hadn't quite arrived yet and the cold was still biting at their noses and cheeks. She bit her lip. "But is it okay?" he asked.

"Yes." She just about mouthed and then he swooped in to kiss her again. Conscious of being out in the open, they held themselves steady, indulging in each other's lips but nothing more.

Their kiss broke but they nuzzled each other's cold noses and smiled.

"Thank you. I wish we had stayed last night." He grinned at her.

"Come on. Let's run." She sighed happily, grabbing his hand as he led her on through their usual route. He made a quick stop at the side of building before they came to their own entrance, where he pressed her against the wall and kissed her again.

Not in such a daze now, she focused on the details of him this close up. His lips were cold on hers from the bracing air. After a little encouragement from each other, their mouths opened, and she groaned when their tongues met and tangled languidly. At the back of his neck, there were tiny, shaved hairs and she grazed her fingers through them. She ran her fingertips over the shell of his ear and pulled gently on the little ring hanging from his lobe.

He was all softness. His hair flopping over the top of the headband, his skin, his lips and tongue. But below that his body was hard against hers, caging her in against the wall of their building. She wanted very much to push her body out against his.

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