Chapter 20

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A knock on the hotel room door roused Reader from her sleep.

She rolled over sleepily and found her usual position below Jungkook's outstretched arm. She nuzzled into him and forgot about the door knocking assuming it was just one of the boys being annoying. But alas, the caller was persistent, and another clatter came from the door.

Reader groaned and got up, finding Jungkook's sweatshirt and throwing it on over her pyjama shorts before staggering slightly to the door and opening it narrowly so as not to show whoever it was her room and a glimpse of the still snoozing Jungkook.

Behind the door was Laura who looked a little anxious.

"Time to get up, right now. The cameras are already on and they're looking for him." She said, quickly shooting a glance down the hall where Namjoon was leaving his room with a herd of camera crew in tow.

"Shit, thanks." Said Reader, closing the door on Laura and quickly crossing back to the bed to shake Jungkook.

"Kook! Up! Up! Camera time." She said sternly and pulled the covers back from him. She knew by now that these boys could all sleep through a reasonable amount of torture and that tough love was the only way to get fast results.

She pulled on a pair of jeans and quickly slipped a bra on under his sweatshirt, which she decided she was too fond of to remove right now. If she couldn't spend the next hour in bed with the man himself then Jungkook's jumper would have to do. He grizzled and she sat behind him, levering his torso up and wrapping her arms around him, kissing the back of his neck.

"Thanks for last night." She breathed, watching his reflection blink in the mirror on the wall opposite.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He asked yawning.

"You're in Spain. I'm some random fan you've spent the night with." He turned and squinted., Clearly the English part of his brain must not have roused yet. She pushed him up off of the bed and threw his own jeans at him. Rushing at ten times his glacial speed, she tidied his hair, threw hers up into a ponytail, handed him his shoes and stuffed his mobile into his pocket. By the time thirty seconds had passed, they were both at the door.

"Why?" He asked and she was sure if she had led him back to their bed, he'd have fallen right back to sleep.

"Cameras." She responded and took his cap from the back of the door, placing it on his head. As she did their eyes met and they pulled each other in for a kiss, remembering the touches they'd shared the night before. She knew now he wanted to take her back to bed but to do anything but sleep. At least he'd woken up. Knowing she had to stop him before he was in no fit state to greet the cameras she backed away and pulled his cap down lower over his face to cover his smouldering eyes. He grinned and pushed it back up then reached past her and opened the door carefully. She stuck her head out but the corridor was clear. She pushed his out, then after she'd given him a little head start, she left the room herself and pretended to catch up, greeting him for anyone who might be in earshot for the first time that morning.

They joined Hobi by the lifts and the rest of the team at a large table set up for them to breakfast at.

"Good morning!" She said brightly, slipping into the free chair between Laura and Yoongi. "Thanks for the heads up." She whispered to Laura. Who nodded and handed her the coffee pot.

"I have fun news." Said Laura. "I don't know what it's all about, so don't ask me but apparently there's a bunch of time in the schedule for you to film on your own once we get there today."

Reader made a questioning face at her, but Laura shrugged, having no better idea than her.

"You eat, no?" Yoongi bugged her pushing the toast plate her way.

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