Chapter 24

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As it turned out, in the Japanese capital, anonymity wasn't quite as much of a problem as it would have been, for example in Seoul.

The Japanese has their own music scene, J-Pop to be primarily concerned with and although BTS had a huge following of ARMY there, as evidenced from their sell out week long stay in Japan, there were still plenty of people here who didn't know their names or faces and there were plenty of places they could go without fear of harassment or exposure.

Although it simply wasn't safe for the boys to roam about in a venue as anyone else would, they were able to be booked into an exclusive club which had the ability to reserve tables, or in their case, an area of tables, segregating their party form the general public. Their seating was on a balcony, overlooking a throng of dancing people and access to them was blocked off by security. But, they were sharing the area with other VIP guests and a bar which was serving just a few priority customers.

The boys had changed into smart casual clothes of their usual colourful variety and at that moment, Reader was talking with Tae about his current ensemble of black jeans, an oversized white shirt, red tie and the iconic Gucci Headband.

"How on earth did you decide to wear that?" She asked, remembering with some embarrassment that the last time she'd dressed herself, it had involved odd socks and a cardigan from H&M.

"It just gets easy after time." He called back over the din of the music. There was a little less volume up in their cordoned off area but the pop remixes were still thumping in the base of their shoes. "And people just send us these things now."

"I've seen you wear that before." She said, poking at his forehead.

"I like Gucci." He said by way of an explanation. "And I like headbands."

"I was thinking, you, Hoseok, Jimin. You ought to be modelling for Chanel or someone really."

He grinned at her, "They ask sometime. But too busy these years. Maybe oneday"

She nodded looking around, as if to see all that they'd accomplished.

He poured her out another glass of champagne, from the three bottles which were sticking out of a beautiful high-hat ice bucket to his right.

"You think Jungkook model cannot?"

Reader looked around, and found him, in profile. He was leaning over the back of plush sofa that Laura and Yoongi were lounging on and was pointing towards the DJ booth. In a black suit, velvet choker and his hair currently side parted, he was as beautiful as she'd ever seen him. Cloaked in the club's relative secrecy, she let her adoring gaze linger on him just a minute and then turned back to Tae, letting him see her serene appraisal of her boyfriend.

"He's beautiful, but he's not the fashion member."

Tae grinned, then sprang up, steadied himself and hopped across to drape his arms around Kookie's shoulders and whisper in his ear, no doubt to let him know what Reader thought of his chances in the fashion world. She smiled fondly, seeing Jungkook register who it was with the tiniest sideways glance of his eyes and then place one hand comfortably on Tae's. What Taekookers wouldn't give to see what she saw.

Laura, noticing Reader alone came over and poured herself another drink. She looked around the room, from the as yet unopened bottles of Grey Goose vodka on the central table, the security and the waitress standing by waiting to be called upon, and to the crystal flutes in their hands which they clinked together.

"Can I just say, thanks so much for coming into my life and making this all happen."

"Oh, this is nothing to do with me. It's all the work of those boys." She trailed off, letting her gaze move around them all. "They're all really so amazing. They're such hard workers."

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