Chapter 29

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Hi to anyone reading this. I took a break from publishing this story on Wattpad, because, well frankly because no one was reading it, although it's had a lot of readership on AO3.. who knows why. 

But a lovely comment from a reader on here spurred me on to at least publish the completed story. I'm going to update tags and such to try to encourage readership, and I'll soon be publicising my new story which is a Soulmate Poly BTS fic. 


Chapter 29

By the time the next day was drawing to a close, Reader was as lonesome and as heart sick as she had ever been before in her life.

Laura had caught up with her early at the studio and pledged to spend the day with her, but Reader had sent her away again by midday, tired of the constant checking in, updates on where the boys were and offers to bring food or drink. With the previous day's events still in her mind and every self-conscious button Reader had, pushed, her appetite had disappeared and her impulse to overly exercise was strong.

A note came by mid-morning to say that the choreographer was going to work with her all afternoon if she wanted and Reader was so grateful to the boys for making that happen that she nearly messaged the group to thank them but thought better of it. Surely, she was entitled to one day where she worked, just not with them.

RM stuck his head into her studio at lunch time and told her they'd all be required for a Run episode filming the following day, which she knew, but that the busses were leaving earlier than expected, which she didn't. He was polite, as ever and Reader couldn't help feeling bad about how she'd spoken to him the previous evening. He made no attempt to engage her further.

The time with the choreographer was useful and she felt like she was able to pick up the dances more quickly, the more she practiced, but she had no real chemistry with this teacher, and she found it difficult to concentrate when one ear was always listening out for the beep of a phone to tell her someone was reaching out, but it didn't come.

She thanked their choreographer and was left alone to pack up the room. She asked for a car at the main reception and waited to see if she'd be joined by anyone, feeling anxious that she might but hopeful for a reconciliation of sorts. Whether or not she was ready to handle a conversation with Jungkook just yet, she didn't know, but she only had eight friends in this world and had managed to alienate them all in the space of a day. She knew her sadness was unlikely to abate tonight when the receptionist told her the car was waiting for her and her alone. With no reason to head to the boy's apartment and no prior plan to see Laura, Reader asked to be taken back to her small flat.

She was drinking the broth from a cup of instant ramen when a knock at her door startled her. No one knew where this place was except for HYBE staff and Laura. She baulked for a moment, wondering if some reporters had found their way onto the site. She nearly cried out in relief when she looked through the spyhole and saw Jimin and Hobi fidgeting on the other side.

She pulled the door open, forgetting her anger at them entirely, and hurried them in. She shut the door and stepped back to let them further into the room, until they hit the sofa which was all there was except for a coffee table which was holding Reader's laptop, open at the film she'd been watching, her mobile and her instant dinner.

Jimin and Hoseok, who had never looked more expensive, peered around the dim room with just a hint of snobbish concern.

"This is where they put you?" Asked Jimin, glancing about himself.

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