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Their final year in school was finally over, Amina felt like she could breathe again. As they wrote their Jamb, Waec, and Neco examinations. It all followed each other accordingly and they were not given time to even rest.

Junior had been great to her as they all studied every day at their house, their Dad allowed them to use his study as he renovated it for their use. They spent most of their weekends there, Junior made sure of that.

Their Dad coached them on some subjects during the weekend and it was helpful as they all aced their examinations.

Junior applied for Medicine in Kaduna State University with a jamb score of 270, Aina'u applied for Radiography in the same University with a Jamb score of 235 and Amina applied for Nutrition and Dietetics with a Jamb score of 252 in the same University.

They had all decided to attend the same University with each having different fields of their own. Studying together was really advantageous to them, as they bonded more and were more like a family.

Aina'u and their Dad healed a bit faster than Junior, he had it very hard and was shutting almost everyone out. Aina'u and their Dad tried to bring him out of the shell he had kept himself in for a whole month but he would not budge.

Aina'u noticed that he talked more to Amina and she begged her to help him free himself. Amina and him talked everyday, it was more like a psychological session whereby he talked and she listened. Perhaps because she had been through the same thing, it made the communication a lot easier.

The pain of losing someone close is always a matter of faith, it is always hard to forget and move on but the processes to that is difficult as a person could whereas easily lose themselves.

When life throws it hard at you, you hit back with as much intensity and vigorosity. The moment you lose yourself, you can not stand back up in a matter of seconds as it takes more time.

Amina was glad she was able to help him out in a matter of 5 weeks, he got himself out of his shell and continued with his life the way he had, a little bit less refined like before.

He made a few friends in their class and was nicer than he had been to them. He even helped some solve difficult questions while studying together. And as expected, he graduated as the overall best student of the class.

Upon getting home, they all settled down on the chairs.

"I am so excited, we are finally done with the examinations. This past few months have been like hell, studying every day without rest." Aina'u stretched herself out on the three seater chair.

Amina nodded in agreement "I feel I can finally sleep properly."

"Your swollen face scares me at time, you really need to catch up on many lost sleep." Junior smiled at her.

"My face scares me, myself. I will take some drugs so that I can sleep in for a whole week." She laughed at herself.

"Count me too in." Aina'u dragged her body up into a sitting position, they were all still dressed in their school uniform.

"Should we order pizza? I am famished." She added.

"Sure! It's my turn to buy this week." Junior offered and brought out his phone to call for the delivery.

"I will go shower and change out of this uniform before it arrives." Aina'u stated and stood up.

"I also need a shower, will wait for you to come out." Amina informed her and she nodded, her eyes half opened.

Junior had finished making the call "Pizza will be here in 20 minutes. I had better change also."

Amina stood up "While you both are changing, I will prepare some drinks for us before the pizza arrives."

"I want coke!" Junior told her heading towards the stairs.

A few minutes later, Aina'u came down having finished washing up and Amina went up to change.

Minutes later, the pizza arrived and they were all munching silently.

Aina'u decided to break the silence "So have you decided to get back at your Uncle. Are you done thinking about it? Since we are done with examinations now." Her eyes were fixed on Amina with surely no hint of a joke.

Amina knew she had bring back the topic anytime soon since they were done with examinations. Her Uncle called her three months ago to meet up, having come back to Nigeria that week and having heard about what her Mum did.

She met with him immediately, Aina'u waited in the car.

He apologized for not reaching out to her, he had no idea his Sister left her family. He heard about it from his friend that she now had another family. He was very shocked and disappointed.

He asked her if she wanted to meet her Mum, he knew where she was and would like for them to go see her.

Her reply was blant "I have examinations in two weeks, I don't want any distractions as of now. I will let you know when I am ready, Uncle."

He nodded in understanding "I understand how you feel dear but please don't let hatred blind you. She's still your Mum and I believe she has concrete explanations for what she did."

"Explanation? I would rather remain motherless." Her Uncle winced at how cold her voice was. This was not his little niece whom he loved so much, she is grown and matured now.

"Just think about it please, you have my number. You can call me whenever you are ready. I will still be around for a few more months, I have an important project in Kaduna."

"Thank you Uncle!" They talked for a little bit before she left with Aina'u. She told her all about it and she adviced her to try to meet her Mum but she dismissed it immediately.

"So...?" Junior joined in the confrontation.

Amina shook her head "I... I really don't know. I am confused."

Aina'u kept the pizza aside "I know this is hard for you but don't you want answers to all your questions? If you meet your Mum, you can finally get all those answers you deserve."

"And then what? For all I know, she doesn't care about me, she never did. What else after getting the answers I want?"

Junior knew all about it, Aina'u had briefed him that day but he didn't want to push her into what she doesn't want to.

"You should go see your Mum, Amina. So that you don't regret it in the future." Junior's words were short but it held greater meaning that they all understood what he meant.

Amina sighed hopelessly "I will have to talk to my Uncle, but can it be after our Graduation and Prom night?"

Junior smiled warmly at her "It's all your choice. Whatever time is alright for you, the most important thing is that you meet her."

"And I have to talk to my Dad too. I have decided to talk to him today, I will let him understand that it's time for him to stop living in the past."

Aina'u nodded in understanding, hoping her best friend could get along with her Dad again.

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