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"Assalamu alaikum! Hello!" Amina jerked from her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Surprised, she blinked "Wa alaikumus salaam!"

The other girl whom she guessed was one of the new students smiled at her "I asked you if this seat is empty."

Amina, still surprised, glanced at the empty seat beside her and the girl smiling at her.

"Y... Yeah! It's empty."

"Good." The cheerful girl slumped her bag on the desk and took a seat.

She held her hand out "The name is Aina'u, nice to meet you."

Amina held out her hand too and they shook hands "My name is Amina, nice to meet you too."

"Amina, that's my Mum's name. I guess this is destiny, Mum would be thrilled knowing that." She grinned.

"I just moved back from Abuja, my Dad's business brought us here but I don't really mind staying in Kaduna. Heard it's a nice city."

Amina was still shocked as to how she was speaking freely with her. She was out of words.

"I guess you don't talk much, it's okay. I'm not much of a talker too, I'm just a little nervous about the change of environment."

Amina nodded "Oh! Okay."

"When is the class starting?"

"I'm not sure, perhaps the teacher would be here soon."

After a few minutes of silence, Aina'u spoke again "So have you been here all your life?"

Amina nodded, fiddling with her hand "Yes."

"How many places have you travelled too?"

She shrugged "No where."

Aina'u gasped dramatically "Are you serious?"

She nodded "Yes."

"Well..." She was cut short by the teacher coming in, his presence very daring that the class was quiet once more.

"Good morning students!"

"Good morning Sir!" They all greeted, it was quite obvious that it was a teacher they were all afraid of because of his strictness.

Mr. Ayo, was a strict yet gentle teacher. He was the disciplinary officer in the school and yet he could be so nice especially to students who needed it. He had his principles and once you know them, there would not be any problems encountered.

"I apologise for coming late, first of all. I say welcome to the new two students who would introduce themselves before we start the class."

He motioned to Aina'u who nodded shyly, already feeling more nervous. She stood up and walked to the front of the class facing the strange faces.

She smiled when her eyes met Amina's "Assalamu alaikum! Hi everyone! My name is Aina'u Idris, I am a Fulani from Adamawa state. I just moved in from Abuja and I am still new to Kaduna City. I would appreciate it if you all treat me good."

There was a round of applause from the students and a few Male students whistled in bliss.

Aina'u rolled her eyes and took her seat back, grinning at Amina.

"The next student?" Mr. Ayo said and all eyes zoomed in on the next student.

Amina could not help but to glance also, she didn't even notice him coming in. The guy stood up in all his glory, probably towering over everyone in the class, almost the same height with Mr. Ayo when he stood in front of the class.

Amina had to admit that he was good looking, she had to force her eyes away.

"Assalamu alaikum!" His voice was deep, that made her look up again.

"Hello! My name is Idris Idris, you can call me Junior. As most have guessed by now, Aina'u is my twin sister so I don't need to do anymore introduction."

He walked back to his seat, leaving most girls staring at him mouth agape and guys scowling at his retreating figure.

"You also look surprised?" Aina'u asked Amina who shook her head.

"Not really. I'm just surprised at his speech." She winced inwardly, she definitely sounded stupid.

Aina'u thought otherwise though, she giggled "That's Junny for you."

"Junny?" Amina asked.

"Yes. That's what I call him at home, he hates it." She whispered, smiling.

"Everyone quiet!" Mr. Ayo hit his stick on the desk and they both flinched.

The class ended an hour later, they only did a brief summary of what they had done their 2nd year of Biology class. The next teacher came in and they spent another two hours.

The bell rang signifying time for break, most of the students ran out to get some snacks while some to get fresh air while some were just playing around.

"Aren't you going out?" Aina'u asked Amina who shook her head.

"I prefer staying in the class." She brought out her remaining banana and offered some to Aina'u before she started munched on it.

"Can I ask you a rude question please?" Aina'u asked after taking a bite.

Amina nodded, chewing carefully.

"You look terribly thin, like a malnourished person. Are you sick?"

Amina froze for a second, it wasn't the first time she heard that though. She was just surprised at how obvious it was.

She shook her head "I am fine."

Aina'u eyed her "You don't look fine to me."

Before Amina could reply, she felt a presence in front of them and she looked up.

"I see you already made a friend." Junior was smiling at his sister, his face not scary anymore unlike before.

"And as usual, you scared everyone again."

He scowled "No, I didn't."

"Of course you did, you should have tried to smile." Aina'u frowned.

"Did I scare you?" Amina didn't realize the question was directed to her until Aina'u lightly nudged her and she looked up finding soft eyes staring at her.

"Did I?" He repeated.

She nodded but then shook her head immediately "N... No."

She bit her tongue, not sure as to why she suddenly felt anxious around him. Her stomach was already getting hot and she felt a sharp pain from her side. She stood up and excused herself, she rushed outside with her medication bag and walked towards the garden side.

She took a seat on the green grasses and took her medication. It took her some minutes before she could calm her guts down.

"Are you alright?" Aina'u asked, sitting beside her.

She nodded with a smile, it was the most beautiful smile Aina'u had ever seen. It was the first smile Amina had directed her way since morning and she was glad she shared it with her.

She wondered about the shy young girl with a beautiful smile and what her story was.

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