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The school first term went by quickly, it was indeed the fastest term in the whole of Amina's school year as she always found all the school sessions extremely slow and frustrating.

Aina'u and Junior made it more tolerable that she had nothing to complain about the whole term. Her examinations was indeed the best since she was so sure she nailed it. Studying with Junior every day, she had to do well or else he would not be happy with her.

After the last paper, the three of them decided to go out and have fun.

"Where should we go?" Junior glanced at Amina.

She shrugged "I may have lived in this state all my life but unfortunately, I don't know any fun place around."

Aina'u rolled her eyes "I heard about a new ice cream shop close by, we could try it out. Or may be go to Dominos Pizza, heard it's also not far from here."

Junior nodded "Let's go get some ice cream first. What's the name of the place?"


Junior and the driver had a conversation about it and it was soon settled.

"But isn't it awkward going like this, I mean dressed in our school uniforms?" Aina'u stared at them both.

Amina shrugged "Does it really matter? We are just going out to have fun, who would look at us?"

Junior frowned "No one should even think about looking at you two unless they are planning an early death."

Amina and Aina'u exchanged looks and bursted out laughing.

"We are having the rolled ice cream!" Aina'u told the cashier as she payed and was handed the receipt.

"You should have let me pay." Amina told her as they moved to the glass displaying different varieties of flavoured ice cream.

Aina'u rolled her eyes "That buffon behind us should have payed." She eyed Junior who shrugged.

"I don't have enough cash and I didn't come with my a.t.m card. Is it my fault?"

"You? You don't have your card? Impossible! We could go do a cashless withdrawal." Aina'u frowned.

Amina was already used to their arguments, as they kept on arguing, she gave the receipt and order to the guy preparing the rolled ice cream.

"What topping would you like?" The guy asked her with a polite smile.

"What toppings do you have?"

He showed her the toppings on the shelf behind him.

She glanced at the twins whom were still arguing and shook her head.

"We would have maltesers please."

He nodded "Nicely chosen!"

She smiled "Thanl you!"

She watched him make the rolled ice cream in awe, she never knew that cooking could be a nice art. Though making ice cream isn't cooking but it seemed like an art on its own.

"So... you seem like a student?" The question came from the guy in front of her.

"Yeah!" She replied politely.

"Your uniform looks unique!" She wondered how he was able to talk and work at the same time while doing it perfectly.


"Are you with your family?"

She quirked an eyebrow "Yeah!"

He glanced at her for a second then back to what he was doing.

A few minutes passed by, he was still on the first one.

"Is this going to take much longer?"

He smiled at her "Already tired. Will be done in a bit."

"Is this for all three or each?"

He chuckled "For all three! That's why it's taking a bit long."

"Ohhh! Okay!"

She sighed and walked over to the twins still having a heated argument.

"Are you both done yet?" She glared at them.

That seemed to snap them out of it "Is the ice cream ready?" Aina'u smiled guiltily.

Amina rolled her eyes "When you left me there for the past 10 minutes, you think it's ready?"

She smiled "Sorry, I was trying to get this idiot pay for the ice cream."

"And I told her I don't have enough cash." He glared at Aina'u.

"Please spare me my own share of the argument and let's go get the ice cream. It's almost ready." She walked back to the guy who was rounding it up.

"And here you go!" He gave her the three cups in a medium sized leather bag.

"Thank you so much!"

"Enjoy your ice cream and have a nice day ahead."

"You too!" She smiled at him and they left.

On their way to the car, Junior frowned at her.

"What?" Aina'u asked.

"Don't you think that guy was too polite to her?"

"So would you have preferred him rude to her?"

"Of course not, but he was smiling too much. "

Amina entered the car first as another round of argument started.

She didn't even wait for them to enter the car, she started drinking her ice cream. It was cold but she wanted to enjoy it without any worries. She would worry about the consequences later on.

She was surprised they came in after her.

"You are already taking yours?" Junior glanced at her.

"I couldn't wait for you both to finish an argument I don't know when on earth would end."

"Sorry again!" Aina'u chuckled and waved her off.

They finished taking their ice cream by the time they got to Dominos Pizza.

"How many are we getting?" Amina asked them.

"Can you finish a whole pack?" Aina'u asked her and she shook her head.

"Let's get two then! I can definitely finish one whole pack." Junior concluded for them.

"It's settled then." They walked in and ordered for the Pizza while they wait.

The wait wasn't long and they headed to their house to enjoy their meal.

Amina was too happy and at peace to even think about the consequences of eating what she wasn't supposed to eat.

"Are you sure you would be fine?" Aina'u inquired.

She shrugged "We only live once, isn't it?"

"I like that!" Junior said with a mouth full.

While eating, the twins' Dad came in and joined them.

"So you guys decide to enjoy without me. Lucky I came in right on time, right?"

Amina smiled happily as they ate and jokes like a real family and deep inside her, she wished she had a family just like this and she wouldn't ask for anything else.

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