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"What do you want to eat?" Aina'u asked Amina immediately they settled in her room.

Amina noticed that their mansion was simple and huge but it was lonely, the same feeling she always had when she was in her house. No matter how big and nice a home is, without the right people there, it was always lonely.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she snapped out of it "Yeah? Sorry about that. You were saying?"

"I was asking you about what you want to eat." Amina smiled as she dropped her bag and excused herself to change out of her uniform.

She came out dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt, her hair packed in a low ponytail, reaching her neck.

Amina smiled in admiration, Aina'u is a very pretty woman with a light skin and perfect shape. She lacked nothing as she was kind and sweet also.

"I am not hungry."

Aina'u rolled her eyes at her friend "Not hungry, my foot. Come on, let's go find something in the kitchen."

Amina had no choice but to follow her to their spacious kitchen. They met Junny there, he was also changed to sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"What's there to eat?" Aina'u asked him and he shrugged as he went through the cupboards and brought out cereals.

"Are you interested?" He directed his question to Amina.

Amina didn't know how to answer, after all cereal might be her best option to be safe for that day.

"Sure. Thanks!" She smiled.

Aina'u elbowed her softly "You should have given me a heads up."

Amina smiled apologetically.

"I'm in too." She glanced at her brother whom already brought out two bowls and was filling them with the cereals.

He didn't even look at her as he replied "Do it yourself."

She murmured the word 'brat' under her breath and walked over to do the same thing he was.

While they quietly ate their cereals, Aina'u started.

"I will be going to see Mum later in the evening, will you tag along Junny?"

He didn't answer.

She sighed and repeated "Will you join me?"

"No. Thanks!" His reply was cold that Amina could feel the tension building up between the two siblings.

She knew she shouldn't interfere and kept on eating her cereals.

Aina'u glared at him "You know, it's been months now that you have last seen her. Aren't you ashamed?"

He kept on eating without stopping, Amina noticed his hand was shaky.

Aina'u had turned blue with anger and was about to explode "How could you do that to her? She's your Mum for Allah's sake, she gave birth to you and what did you ever do for her in return. NOTHING!"

Amina felt she was intruding and hoped they would just stop.

She glanced at Junior, he had stopped eating, both his hands clenched on the table and a cold expression on his face. Amina stared a little more, trying to ascertain what he was thinking. She remembered Aina'u telling her how he hadn't visited his Mum for a very long time.

She also couldn't understand why he was like that. Even if he was hurt, was in pain, he should have at least been there for their Mum. She thought sadly to herself.

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