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His body started shaking with every step he took towards his Mum. Amina bit her lips as she watched with a heavy heart. She wished she had just left, she felt she was intruding their privacy but at the same time she wanted to comfort him.

"M... Mum!" The word left his mouth with a sob.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry!" He cried and cried and cried. At a certain stage, Amina cried along with him. It was too sad to witness.

She eventually left the room and sat at the waiting room. She didn't know how long she had waited for until she was woken up from sleep. She couldn't believe she had slept off.

"I am sorry!" She told Junior, feeling embarrassed.

His eyes swollen and all red, he smiled "It's okay. I'm sorry I kept you waiting for this long."

"It's okay! What time is it?" She checked her wrist watch, it was past two in the afternoon. It had been five hours!

"Let's go. I have called the driver, he should be around any time soon."

"Okay!" She wiped her face with the back of her palm when he wasn't looking, hoping she didn't drool while sleeping.

The drive to their house was silent, Junior still kept sobbing silently at the front seat. At their arrival, when the driver exited the car, she stayed with him.

"You have to be strong for your Mum, Aina'u does the same everyday and so does your Dad. I know it's hard but have faith in your Creator and leave all your affairs to Him. We should keep praying for her, I know everything will be fine with time."

She got out of the car and opened his door for him. He stepped out with an obvious forced smile on his face.

"What's up, peps?" Aina'u was munching on popcorn while watching a movie in the living room.

"Seriously! You look too healthy for a sick person."

She waved her off "I have been waiting for you, you took a while at the hospital."

She looked up and saw Junior "Where are you coming from? Thought you were still sleeping! And why does your eyes look swollen and puffy?"

He didn't reply and went upstairs to his room.

"What's up with him?" Aina'u raised an eyebrow.

Amina shrugged "I'm not sure." It wasn't her place to tell her about him visiting their Mum.

"I haven't prayed yet, will go and pray."

"Okay! Come back and tell him about your appointment! Are those your new prescription? Let me see them!"

Amina smiled at her friend "Yes Mummy!" She threw the leather bag at her and walked away.

After praying, she came back and joined Aina'u in watching the movie. She told her all about her appointment with Doctor Jamila and the good news about her fast recovery.

"I'm hungry, what do you have to eat?" Amina yawned.

"Check the fridge, there should be some fried rice left. Microwave it for us both, I'm so hungry."

Amina eyed her "Lazy goat! You were just waiting for my arrival to use me."

She blew her a kiss "Exactly!"

After eating, they watched the movie in silence.

Amina kept yawning, she was really feeling sleepy and it would be awkward she slept in the living room when Junior or their Dad could come in at any time.

She stretched her hand "Aina'u, I'm going upstairs to sleep."

She waved her off "Will wake you up for Salah. Turn off the Air conditioner if the room is too cold for you."

"Sure!" She walked upstairs into the room and slept off.

Her sleep was cut off short as she heard loud voices coming from downstairs. She didn't take it serious until she heard a loud shout that almost threw her off the bed.

She rushed downstairs and the scene there wasn't one she wished to be involved in. Aina'u, Junior and their Dad were obviously having a very heated argument.


Her Dad's voice was defeated "It's been four months now, Aina'u. We have all tried our best but I think it's time we let her go. The doctor called me last week and said they are going to take your Mum off life support. I was furious also at first but then I realized he was right, even if she came out of coma now, it would be difficult for her to adjust."

"SubhanAllah! Why" Amina didn't realize the words came from me till their gazes were fixed on her.

"I... I am sorry, I didn't mean to impose. I overheard your discussions by mistake."

Their Dad waved her over "It's okay, Amina. You are just like family to us. Come over and seat."

She did as she was told to, Aina'u was still standing, tears filled her eyes. Amina didn't dare to look at Junior, she couldn't imagine how he would be feeling.

"Amina, what do you think about this?"

She blinked once, twice. He shouldn't have asked her that question, she was put in a situation whereby she didn't know what to do or say.

"I... I really don't know what to say, as you know, I lost my Mum since I was young and if things were up to me, I would give anything to be with her. I most definitely know how your children feel, but if you feel it's difficult for their Mum, you are her husband and you have been with her the longest and I know whatever decision you make, it's for the best."

Their Dad nodded "You are a wise child, I bet life made you more matured than your age."

Aina'u sat back down "Dad, please let's wait for a little bit. Let's give Mum another chance to live, please Dad. Junior, why don't you say something."

Junior was shaking, his breath heavy. He didn't know what to think or how to react. This couldn't happen, he just met his Mum after a long time, he couldn't lose her yet. Not now!

He stood up and left the house. He needed to breath, he needed to be away from the upsetting atmosphere.

Aina'u stood up to follow him but her Dad shook his head.

"Let him be! He needs it."

"Dad, please do something about this. We can't lose Mum just yet." Aina'u cried.

Amina stood up and enveloped her into a warm hug, reminding her that she wasn't alone.

"Everything will be fine In Shaa Allah, let's keep praying that she wakes up soon." Amina tried to pacify her friend.

"And what if she doesn't? What if they cut off her life support before she even gets the chance to wake up? I am so confused right now and I don't know what to think." She was crying profusely.

Amina looked at their Dad and he shook his head.

"Can you please take her to her room?" He requested.

"Okay!" She helped her to her room and sat her down on the bed.

"Why is this happening to us? Why? Why?"

Amina smiled sadly at her "Some things don't happen for a reason, it's just how they are meant to be."

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