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Amina smiled when she remembered what Aina'u said to her before they left school. She was never a burden!

She went home first to shower and change into more comfortable wears before going to the hospital to get her test result. Doctor Elizabeth had called to let her know it was ready.

She prayed back her missed prayer and waited till 4 to pray Asr Salah before leaving.

She got there within a short time, she was a bit surprised to meet Aina'u on her way inside. She was dressed in a pretty gown and a veil wrapped around her head.

"Hey there!" Aina'u's eyes brighten upon seeing Amina.

"Hi!" Amina waved at her.

"What are you doing here again?" Aina'u was by her side and they walked together inside.

"I came to collect the result of my test from yesterday." Amina didn't have a problem saying that to her freely.

"Oh! Well I heard from the Clinic Doctor that you have IBS, it was actually my first time knowing about it."

"Yeah! It was my first time hearing about it too when I first had it 3 years ago."

Aina'u didn't know what to say to this "I am sorry about that."

Amina shook her head "It's nothing. What about you? What are you doing here?"

They took the elevator to the 3rd floor "I came to visit my Mum. She has been hospitalized here for a little while now."

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that. Hope she's getting better?"

Aina'u sighed "Well... she has been in coma for almost 4 months now. I'm not sure anymore."

Amina didn't know what to say, her heart tighten and she felt terrible for intruding.

"I... I am sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Aina'u smiled as they got out of the elevator "It's actually fine, I have faith in Allah and I believe she would be fine soon."

Amina nodded "In Shaa Allah! This is my stop."

Aina'u glanced at the department they were at. It was the Gastroenterology Department.

"Can... I perhaps come with you? Then from there, we can go see my Mum together."

Amina's eyes widen in surprise, not because she wanted to come with her but she had asked her to tag along to go see her Mum. She didn't expect it.

She smiled "Sure! I would like that."

She walked to the reception to inform the receptionist of her presence. She was directed to Doctor Elizabeth's office and Aina'u tagged along.

"I see you brought a friend." Doctor Elizabeth had a sweet smile on her face. It was her first time seeing Amina with a friend.

"What's your name?"

"It's Aina'u. Nice to meet you, Doc!"

"Nice to meet you too!"

She glanced at Amina then at her desk, she picked up an envelope and gave it to her.

Amina collected it "From the look on your face, I suppose there is no change. It's the same result, right?" She was already tearing up, she clenched her left hand into a fist and shut her eyes for a few seconds.

Doc Elizabeth sighed "I'm sorry, Amina. But as of the moment, the test results is still the same and nothing has changed. But there is something I would like to tell you."

Amina raised an eyebrow "What is it?"

"Although psychological problems like anxiety don't cause the digestive disorder, people with IBS may be more sensitive to emotional troubles. Stress and anxiety may make the mind more aware of spasms in the colon. IBS may be triggered by the immune system, which is affected by stress."

Amina understood all she was saying, it was all she felt for the past three years and she was well aware that it affected her mental state often.

"So what are you trying to say?" Amina gathered up the courage to ask.

"I think it would be helpful to see a Psychologist. Your psychological state, I believe, is affecting your health and probably making everything worse."

Amina took a shaky breath, she knew deep inside her that it might all result to this one day.

"She has to see a Psychologist?" Aina'u didn't know much about IBS even after browsing the internet immediately she got home from school.

Doc Elizabeth shifted her eyes to Aina'u and nodded "I believe that for more effective result, she has to start healing psychologically. The moment she accepts everything that is going on in her life and learns to live with it, it might actually help manage her condition."

Amina nodded "Can I do it some other time? This is my final year in school, I really need to graduate."

Doc Elizabeth knew she would say that, so she shook her head "The earlier, the better it would be for you dear. I will write down some drug prescriptions and direct you to the Psychologist for consultation."

Amina gripped the handle of the chair she was sitting on, her face down with sadness.

They all would say that she was fine physically and that she was making it all up. If not for her malnourished state, no one would believe that she is sick.

She got her prescriptions and left with Aina'u after bidding the Doctor bye.

Aina'u didn't know what to say nor do to console her new friend, she wasn't sure as how she could make her feel better. She noticed how sad she was at what Doctor Elizabeth had told her, any person would be, she supposed.

For someone to be seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, they would think that she is mad.

"Can we go see your Mum now?" Amina forced a smile out, even Aina'u could see the hidden bitterness behind it.

"Sure! It's the next floor." They walked up the stairs this time, each thinking of their situations.

Aina'u knocked on the door and walked in with Amina behind her.

Amina gawked at the beautiful but pale woman on the bed, her eyes closed and her head bandaged all around. She thought she was asleep until Aina'u went to take a seat on a chair beside her.

"Mum, I would like you to meet Amina. The girl I was telling you about yesterday, we became friends and I'm sure we would be best of friends soon."

She smiled at Amina and motioned her forward, Amina was shocked and confused.

If she isn't asleep, then what's wrong with her?

As if Aina'u sensed her hesitation, she smiled again "Mum got into an accident a few months back and has been in coma, we moved to Kaduna to get away from the bad memories and hopefully to make her get better."

Amina gasped "I'm sorry for that." She couldn't believe that Aina'u was going through all this, no one would have known, she didn't show it. She never showed it unlike her, though it wasn't her wish to make it so obvious.

"Come and say hi!" Aina'u motioned her over with a smile making her wonder how she could keep smiling in such situation.

It was no doubt a smile full of lies but she made it seem so real that Amina might have believed her if she hadn't known all about it.

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