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Amina walked towards the bed and took a seat beside Aina'u.

"Hello Ma'am! My name is Amina and it's so nice to meet you."

"Isn't she nice, Mum? She has the sweetest smile I have ever seen, just like the same smile you always had on."

She was quiet for a bit more, her eyes on her pale and almost lifeless Mum.

"I miss you, Mum! I miss you so much." Amina watched as her tears fall freely, she wished she could help her ease her pain but she didn't know how but she was willing to try.

"You know my Mum left me ever since I was eight years old, I can't even remember how she looked like anymore, my Dad threw away every picture we ever took together. He took away every memory I had had of her, I can't remember anything about her no matter how hard I try to."

She shook her head, trying to stop that familiar sting in her heart "I have never been able to understand how she could leave me behind like that, no matter how hard it was. I sometimes wish she took me with her then maybe all this wouldn't have happened to me. My Stepmum has been a nightmare in my life, he married her 2 years ago and she hasn't been of any help though."

She shrugged lightly "I am so sorry about your Mum, Aina'u. Even though I don't even know whether my Mum is alive or not, I still yearn for her love and care at times. A Mother is always a Mother no matter what. You must be going through a very hard time now."

When she turned her gaze to Aina'u, she saw her tears flowing freely, her eyes filled with sympathy.

Aina'u pulled her into a hug "We are both going through very hard times in our lives."

Amina succumbed to her hug, she needed it so much. It had been long since she was cared and worried for.

They talked about each others' lives for a little longer before Aina'u cleaned her Mum's body and Amina helped her. She always made sure to try to clean her Mum at least twice a day, to make her look less lifeless.

She and Amina took turns reading to her Mum and she really enjoyed the company. It was the first time anyone apart from her Dad and the nurses in charge, had kept her and her Mum company.

"Aren't you going home? It's getting late already."

Amina shrugged "No one will notice if I were missing, so don't worry about it."

Aina'u frowned "I don't mean to be disrespectful but how could your Dad neglect you like that?"

Amina shrugged "You know I always used to blame him while I was younger but growing up, I realized that he loved her so much and he must have been heart broken that he wanted to stay away from everything that reminded him of her... including me."

Aina'u really felt bad for her, she had been living a lonely, terrible life all this while and had been holding up all by herself.

"I have been meaning to ask you, what about your Uncles and Aunts from your mother's side."

Amina sighed "My Mum's older brother is living abroad, haven't heard from him for a very long time. The last time we had talked was a few weeks before Mum left, I was still a child then. I have been thinking that perhaps Dad has something to do with him cutting ties with us but I'm not sure. And my Dad is an only child, his parents are dead same as Mum's."

"That's sad. Well my Aunts and Uncle from both side are well and around. But only my Uncle cared enough to check up on my Mum. My Aunts could not care less though they visited when it happened back then in Abuja. My Dad is an only child, he lost his parents while growing up.

Amina glanced at the beautiful yet lifeless woman on the bed "It must have been very hard for you all. I do not know much about your Mum but seeing her lying down here breaks my heart."

Aina'u smiled sadly "She was and still is a very good woman. My heart hurts thinking if how much pain she is in."

"Will include her in my prayers, I am sure the Almighty will make things right soon."

"I really really pray so, Amina."

Before Amina could respond, there was a knock on the door and an older man walked in with flowers at hand and a leather bag. Amina recognized him immediately, he was the exact older miniature of Junior.

Their Dad!

She stood up "Good evening Sir."

He glanced between her and Aina'u before he smiled.

"I see you have made a friend already, I knew I shouldn't worry about you unlike that brother of yours."

He glanced back at Amina "Good evening dear. It's nice to meet you, I'm her Dad."

Amina smiled widely "Nice to meet you, Sir. My name is Amina, we go to the same school with Aina'u and Junior."

"Take your seat. I see you have met my wife, she's a beauty, isn't she?" He winked at them and Amina flushed.

She was shocked to see that his man was their Dad, she didn't know Dads could be so cheerful and nice like that. Her Dad was always gloomy and angry at her.

Aina'u sighed "Dad, would you stop embarrassing me already?"

He laughed "She takes after her Mum, she has a bad temper."

I laughed with him, I felt my heart clench with happiness. It felt really nice to be treated nicely.

"Help me dispose the other flowers and put these in the pot." He handed it over to Amina, she collected it with wide eyes. She wasn't sure why he was already treating her like family.

"Yes, Sir!" She collected it from him and did as she was instructed.

"Baby girl, set the table. I brought dinner, it would be enough for three people fortunately."

"Okay Dad!"

We sat down on the carpeted floor leg crossed with the food in the middle. Aina'u suggested they share one plate of rice together and she had no choice but to comply.

Aina'u upon realizing what they were about to do gasped "Will you be okay eating this?"

Amina smiled nodding her head "Yes. I can manage." She knew there would be side effects but she wanted to enjoy eating with a family, feeling that joy at least once in her lifetime.

After about a few spoons, she felt her stomach turning in pain, heat exploding from within. She would manage it, she said to herself and smiled as Aina'u glanced at her with worry laced on her face.

"It's delicious!" She said, her eyes were stinging with tears but she forced a smile out.

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