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The week quickly went down the drain, Amina and Aina'u got along pretty well. She visited her Mum at the hospital during the weekend and it was really nice as Aina'u's Dad treated them out for some shopping. It was the first time in a long time that Amina felt she belonged to a family as she was treated like one.

"Do you want to spend the night at my place?" Aina'u asked her as they both exited the hospital late in the evening.

Amina shook her head "I would have liked to but there is school tomorrow and I haven't done any of the assignments given to us."

Aina'u gasped "Which reminds me, I haven't done any of mine either. But I am sure Junny has done his, would just copy his own."

She added with a smile "Then how about I come sleep over at your place? And we solve the assignment together?"

Amina didn't have to think it through, she shook her head "I'm sorry but my family is a mess, I don't think it's a nice idea."

Aina'u rolled her eyes "My family is also a mess but we still got each others' back, how bad could your family be?"

Amina let out a soft laughter "You can put it this way, we are practically strangers living in the same house."

They got into the car, Aina'u sighed "Promise you will think about it, I can stay over another time."

Amina nodded slightly "I will try to speak to my Dad." Amina didn't actually need a permission from anyone to let her friends come over but, she just didn't want Aina'u to see how she's living in that house.

When she got home, she walked straight into her room. She noticed the house was more quiet than usual.

Perhaps they aren't home!

She shrugged and laid on the bed, her eyes on the ceiling and a faint smile on her face as she remembered she got new clothes as a gift from Aina'u's Dad.

She tried to recall when was the last time she went shopping with her Dad, it was impossible to remember because she was still little back then.

She couldn't help but try to recall what life was like when both her parents were with her. She was young but still, the memories were no where to be found.

She closed her eyes tightly "If only..." She trailed off.

She shook her head and sighed loudly. She sat up and brought out her school bag to start working on her assignments. Since it involved writing an essay and some research, she enjoyed doing it.

When she was done, she stretched her hands and put away her books in her bag. She walked into the bathroom to perform ablution and she prayed.

When she was done offering Prayer, she laid down on the praying mat staring at the bed room door, hoping that one day, what she longed for, she would find it.


She woke up earlier than usual the next morning, she offered her Salah, got ready for school right on time. She tidied up her room and left for school.

She didn't see her Dad and Step Mum the whole weekend, she grabbed an Apple in the kitchen and left. She was used to be being alone at home, it was not a new thing to her. The maids were the only ones to keep her company, though they didn't speak much to her as they had been warned by her Step Mum to refrain from stepping past their boundaries.

She got to school right on time, she met up with Aina'u at the school gate.

"What's up, girlfriend?" Aina'u hugged her friend with a wide smile. You would think it's been more than a week since they both saw each other last.

"I'm good." Amina smiled and hugged her back. They walked to the class side by side, holding hands.

"Did you have breakfast?" Aina'u asked her as they settled down on their seats.

She nodded "Yeap! And u?"

"Are you sure? I bought some banana on the way, I know that's like one of the food you can stomach, right?"

Amina smiled "I had an apple on my way but can't say no to banana though I am sick of them. I have them almost every day."

"You need to eat more, you look really skinny."

She sighed "It's not my fault and you know that. There are so many dishes I would love to eat again and it pains me to not be able to eat them."

Aina'u shook her head "It's really sad, I can't imagine life without eating my favourite food. I would be depressed. "

"You see!"

"I pray that Allah, the Almighty grants you a very quick recovery."

"Ameen! And to evey sick person out there."

They both smiled as they munched on the banana.

Their home room teacher walked in as they were on their second bites, Amina sighted him first and jabbed her shoulder lightly on Aina'u whom understood immediately and hid the banana under her desk.

Amina did the same and sat up straight.

The students stood up and greeted their teacher as they normally did.

"Good morning Students! You can have your seats." He smiled widely.

"How was your weekend? Did you all enjoy it?"

"Yes Sir!" They all chorused.

"Well, your weekend is over and it's time to get back to business."

Most of them didn't seem happy with that assertion.

"First things first, turn over your assignment."

The first three periods were over in a whip of time, the students left the class as it was time for break.

"What are you ordering?" They had no idea where Junior appeared from. He came from no where as they were walking towards the cafeteria.

"Good morning to you too!" Amina smiled at him.

He smiled back at her "Good morning my subordinate! What are you ladies ordering?"

Amina frowned "How did I become your subordinate?"

He placed his two fingers on his chin, pretending to be deep in thought "Now I remember, it's when I became your tutor."

Aina'u had a smile on her face as she watched them both argue. She was actually glad to see them get along well. Junior hardly got along with her friends, she didn't know why and whenever she confronted him, he would simply say he had no reason to be nice to them.

Sometimes he had a cold personality and it saddened her. She hoped he would change for good. If only he could start by visiting their Mum in the hospital, she would be more than grateful.

She remembered her last discussion with their Dad about him, he told her to be patient and let him be for now. He was hurting and needed time to heal, he would come around at the right time.

"Are you sure you will be fine eating only banana?" Junior asked Amina with a frown.

Amina nodded "It's not like I have a choice, I live in a world whereby I only eat to survive. I don't get to choose what I eat, the outcome isn't always nice."

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