I Am So Grateful For My Pets

Start from the beginning

Alfred started to bring out the food with the help of Dick and Jason while Damian had to make his dogs sit so they didn't knock anyone over. 

The food was set down on the table and everyone started to dish it out on their plates while loudly talking. 

Damian made a few plates for his animals like the good owner he was and set it down on the floor for them. 

They dug into it quickly while Garret and Pennyworth the cat tried to also eat with them. After they were done with their plate the animals all went to someone's side. 

The smart animals went to Jason's side. Titan was that smart animal. Everyone had a favorite at the dinner table. Garret liked Cassandra, Pennyworth went to Stephanie's side, and Titus went to Dick just because Dick would drop food like crazy because he would swing his fork around while telling stories. 

Everyone knew that Barbra would only drop a little and it would be green beans or something, Tim wouldn't notice the animals, Alfred would reprimand them and sent them out of the room, Damian would insist that they already had their food, Duke's food was covered in hot sauce all of the time, and Bruce doesn't drop nearly enough to suffice the stomach's of a dog. 

Titus was right in choosing Jason because Jason dropped huge pieces of turkey that Titan would almost choke on but it would have been worth it. 

Then the desert came and only Jason lowered his plate for Titan to lick, no one else did that so the rest of the pets wouldn't get desert. Haha! Losers! 

When dinner was done Titan was so full he could hardly move. Everyone went to the living room for coffee and cookies and Jason tossed a piece to Titan who just barely managed to get it down. 

"Whoa, Titan, buddy, you good?" Garret asked as he looked at Titan who was laying on the floor, feeling sick and full. 

Titus chuckled and said "You ate too much" 

Titan shook his head "No, no I didn't. I think I swallowed a green bean or something." 

"Are you sure?" Pennyworth asked. 

Titan nodded but then Damian said "Titan, Titus, come on" 

Titan looked up and saw that Damian was holding two balls and was heading outside. 

"Oh boy! Ball!" Titan exclaimed as he jumped up and followed Damian outside, forgetting about his fullness. 

Damian led them outside and started to throw a ball for them. They chased it endlessly until Titan felt like his stomach was coming out. 

"Look out" Titan warned as he turned and threw up. 

"Oh, nasty" Titus whined as he turned. ]

Titan investigated his throw up and saw a green bean. He gasped and turned to Titus "You see that?! I did eat a green bean!" He ran over to Damian who saw the whole thing and looked disgusted. "Damian did you see that? Those green beans are poison!" 

"Todd!" Damian growled as he turned and stomped back inside. 

Titan nodded and followed Damian inside. "Heck yeah Todd, he tried to poison me!" Titan added as he pranced back inside. 

He ran back inside and jumped up on the cough to sit next to Barbra. "Barbra you won't believe this! Jason tried to kill me with a  green bean, no don't worry, I threw it up on Alfred's bushes luckily, you want to see it?" He explained. 

To Barbra Titan was just just making weird whiny noises until Damian walked inside and glared at Jason. 

"Todd you overfed Titan!" Damian growled. 

Jason looked up from his phone and saw Damian. "Overfed him?" He asked looking at Titan. "he looks find to me" 

"Yeah betrayer, you almost killed me with a  green bean!" Titan accused as he climbed over Stephanie's legs to reach him. 

When he reached Jason though Jason started to pet him under his color which made Titan's leg thump up and down. 

"Oh yeah that's the spot" Titan sighed in relief before Jason stopped. Titan licked Jason then said "Okay, you're forgiven," He looked at Damian and said "Damian, it's okay, I forgive him." 

"He's fine now because he just threw up!" Damian shot at Jason. 

Jason's eyes widened as he realized that Titan just licked him.  "Oh gross!" Jason exclaimed as he got up and ran to the bathroom to wash his face. 

"Hey, where's he going?" Titan asked as Damian plopped down on the couch next to him, grumbling. 

Titan laid his head on Damian's lap and looked up at him. "You know what Damian? I'm grateful for you, you're pretty great." 

At that moment Alfred walked into the room and Titan remembered he wasn't allowed on the couches. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go" Titan said before jumping off the couch and trotting away. 

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