Chapter Fifty.

En başından başla

            “The mom’s losing a lot of blood but we’re trying to keep her stable. Did you want to cut the cord? If so we need you back here right now. She’s about to come out.”

            “She? It’s a girl?”

            Sophia and I had multiple ultra sounds done but we could never find out the sex because the baby always had her legs crossed. To know it’s another girl felt incredible and to know she’s about to be born right now made me all jittery and felt like I was on cloud nine and when I turned to look at my mom and dad they were smiling from ear to ear, standing up to give me one last hug of encouragement.

            “Come on.” The nurse said. “Now. Let’s go.”

            So I walked quickly behind him into another hallway and was handed a pair of scrubs to put on and I swear to god I couldn’t put them on fast enough. This was different from the last time because last time there was almost no hope. Last time all you heard was deafening silence like you could almost hear a pin drop in the room but now it was up-lifting as I entered, all of the other nurses and the doctor giving me a wide grin as I tried not to look at her stomach being open right now. I couldn’t see her because she was behind a sheet so I just stood there all wide-eyed as I watched the operation continue, getting breathless from the amount of seconds that passed by until I’d finally see my little girl.

            “Here she comes!” The doctor exclaimed.

            My heart wasn’t beating and I wasn’t talking and when he raised our baby into the air and as she was wrapped in a towel and as they weighed her and as they instructed me to come over to cut the cord it was all a blur. The only thing I could see were tears in my eyes because when that cord cut, it wasn’t like last time. It wasn’t like last time because she was crying and she was alive and all I could do was stare at what we had created. What Sophia and I had created and my god she was the most beautiful little girl in the entire world.

            “Five pounds three ounces, 7:34 P.M.”

            I was speechless and as they were cleaning her up I finally raced over to Sophia, seeing her eyes being opened and she looked petrified. She was glancing side to side and I wasn’t sure if she was knocked up on anesthesia or if they just numbed her but I prayed to god she could understand me right now because our little girl is here and she’s alive.

            “Baby.” I practically sobbed, becoming eye level with her. “Baby you did it. She’s here. My god you’re so perfect Sophia oh my god you did it.”

            When her eyes met with mine she immediately relaxed I think because she was fearful I had missed it and when she heard me she got a huge smile on her face, wincing slightly though when she felt the pressure of them stitching her up. I wanted to see our baby and I wanted to hold her more but right now Sophia was more important and right now I had to make sure my girl was taken care of so we could both look at her together.

            “Sophia look above the curtain.”

            The doctor was holding her so Sophia could see her and when she did and she saw her wrapped up in the little blanket with a little pink hat over her head she started to cry out of complete happiness and she squeezed my hand so tightly I felt like it would fall off. If anything, this experience and watching her go through that just made me that much more attracted to her. She was so strong and so incredible I just couldn’t even believe it and I wanted to kiss her so badly but I couldn’t yet because she had a mask on.

            “You did so good.” I whispered into her ear when they whisked our baby away again. “You are so amazing Sophia. I am so proud of you.”

One Hundred Shades of Forever.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin