🎁🎄Merry Christmas🎄🎁

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Lapis's Pov

All six of us sat on the kitchen table.
It was big enough for all of us.

I helped mom with the food, handing out plates with hot chocolate.

"I wasn't expecting so much people, hah. Though I'm glad you could bring your friends" my mom said.

Peridot chuckled, "I wasn't expecting them to come either....literally.."

"So how was the ride?" My dad said.
He was sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper.


Even though it's the twenty-first century.

"Oh your father, he didn't stop worrying about you guys.
We heard it was snowy at some parts. We're just happy you and your friends are ok" my mom said.

I smiled, rubbing her back, "it's ok mom. We came in one piece."

"Almost in four. Luckily Peridot knows how to drive, or we would have been de- oof-"
Amethyst stopped when Pearl nudged Amethyst in the stomach.

"What Amy was trying to say, is that it was a bit nerve wrecking, but Peridot is an excellent driver" Pearl smiled.

"Oh well that's good. It's nice to know you have a partner that knows how to properly drive!" Mom giggled.

"Yea, and definitely nothing else besides driving like a respectful person.." I eyed Peridot, who just smiled awkwardly.

"Anyway, let's eat before the food gets cold" mom said.

"I'll go get the extra chairs" dad got up from the couch.

I think he went to the basement? I'm not sure.
I don't even know where anything is. It's my first time being here in my parents house.

It looks so pretty. It's hard to imagine that I would had been living here, if it wasn't for Peridot.

After my dad came back with the chairs, we all sat down and started to eat.

We talked about how things are going back in Beach City, and how much I miss them.

"Oh, by the way, your cousins are coming later today! We're getting everything ready" my mom announced.

"Ooohh...greeeaat...I'm sooo excited" I fake smiled.

"We're all going to meet back here then?" Peridot looked at my parents.

"Definitely. We're just going to get everything ready for tonight. Which reminds me, where are you kids going to sleep? I mean, I was originally going to let you and Lapis sleep here but.." my mom looked at everyone, "I'm afraid we only have a guest bedroom with one bed.."

Peridot stood up, "no worries! I'll book a hotel room for us. We're also planning on staying here for new years, so we're gonna need it."

Wait...we are?

I looked at Peridot for a explanation, but she just smiled, holding me close.

"Really? I thought it was only for Christmas?" My dad asked the question that was on my head.

"Nope, suprise!...t-that...that was the suprise" Peridot looked at me then at my parents.

"Well how lovely. More time to talk about things!" My mom cheered.

"Anyway, we should get going as well. We need to go ready for tonight," Peridot picked up plates and brought them to the sink.

I did the same.

"Thanks for the warm welcome" Garnet thanked my parents.

"And food!" Amethyst added.

"Oh you're all welcome girls. Come by later today, I promise I'll have a tasty dinner" mom smiled.

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