Road Trip! ¹¹

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Again, we didn't talk during the car ride.

I had to be honest.

I've never seen Peridot act such way.
She's always so polite and nice with people.
But her parents? Her own parents?
She treated them like they were nothing!

She was rude to them.

I mean...what did they do to her that makes her act that way towards them?

There's so many questions I want to ask. Buy Peri doesn't look like she's in any mood to talk about them.
And I won't have the chance to get to talk about it either until we come back from the trip.


It's none of my business. But I just want to know.
To at least help her.

We finally arrived home, and by the looks of it.
Everyone was already In Garnet's house.

"Finally! Where ya went? I thought you guys went with my pops?" Amethyst said.
She was outside, bringing her things out the house.

Peridot sighed as she opened the doors from behind.
"We ended up going to my old house to grab something."

Amethyst looked a bit suprised. "Oh. Did you..?"

Peridot nodded, "yup. Waste of my time it was...ugh. I'm going to get our stuff. Make sure to load everything up."

Amethyst just sorta looked at Peridot as she walked inside the house.
She then looked at me with a 'wtf happened' look.

I just gave her a disappointed shake of my head.
"It...didn't go too bad..? I'm not sure.." I told her.

I leaned onto the van and watched Amethyst put things inside.

"Not too bad? Did she yell at them?"


"Wait. She's yelled at them before?" I said shocked.

"Ah, so I take it as she went easy on them" Amy remarked.

"Easy on them!? Amethyst what the shit! That's no way to treat your parents! Peridot literally turned down every chance they wanted to talk to her!"

Amethyst just sighed, "Lapis. You don't know the things Peridot had told them. They were far worst than just ignoring. And I'm not going to tell you either, if Peridot hasn't told you yet. So, I will leave you with....just let it be."


Is she serious?!

"Amethyst! I know you're immature, but you can't be this immature!"

Amethyst just made a face at me, "...that doesn't offend me. And, what am I supposed to do girl!? Peridot is...Peridot! She's as stubborn as a God damn wall of bricks!"

Amen to that...

"Look. I know Peridot far longer than you. And as much as I witnessed, Peridot's parents had never been there. And if they did, they would just stay no more than a day. There were countless times I used to sleep over at her house. She would always tell me how she hated her parents because they would never be there for her. Then...."

Amethyst bit her lip. She looked like she was deciding something.

"Then...what?" I said.

Amethyst deep sighed, putting the last bag inside the van.
"Peridot would cry. Asking me why they don't care about her."



"She was just thirteen years old when she started to...have separation anxiety. It wasn't too big, but she would always call me to make sure I would check up on her, or hang out."

Amethyst looked over her shoulder, checking if anyone was coming.

"...that's why i introduced the others to her, back when we were kids so she wouldn't feel lonely."

Poor Peri.
I...can't relate at all. My mom and dad were always there for me.
But...having to think my parents being away and never spending time with me would definitely make me...sad.

"All I can say is. Just try to...I don't know. Reason with her? Peridot isn't heartless, both you and me know that. She's just numb. And dumb, but that's besides the point. She'll ease up, I know her. She can't keep this act up for long. P always warms up in the end."

I sure hope.

"God damn! How much are you packing?" Jasper said.
She and the others came outside with their stuff in hands.

Everyone placed their duffle bags in the back.

Reminded me that I need to grab my stuff.

I quickly walked inside the house, and made my way upstairs.
Peridot said she would come down with our things, but she's taking a bit long.

As I entered the room, I immediately noticed Peridot.

She also noticed me right away.

"L-Lapis..." she turned towards the wardrobe mirror.
She was standing still until I entered.

"Peri I was...are you ok?" I said.

Peridot nodded, still not facing me. "I'm fine. Just got caught up in my thoughts."

She then turned around towards me. "We should probably head back with the others. I don't want them making fun of me after telling them to hurry their asses off" she rolled her eyes.

I got close to her, "are you sure? You're not mad at me?"

Peridot looked at me in the eyes.
Her green eyes shined.

"Heh...I can't stay mad at you. Especially when I wasn't in the first place" she smiled.

I smiled back. I felt relieved knowing she's ok.

"C'mon, help me carry all this to the van before they get inpatient" Peridot wrapped a duffle bag around her.

I grabbed my backpack and the second duffle bag.
I also made sure we weren't forgetting anything.

I looked through drawers and wardrobes.

Nothing left.

"Well then, let's go!" I said walking out the room.

Peridot followed, closing the door.

The two of us also made sure everything was turned off inside the house.
Everything seemed ok and in order.

Finally, we met the others outside.

"Man. I thought you guys were taking a nap up there" Jasper spoke.

"No kidding. Can we go? It's really cold out here" Pearl shivered.
She was wearing two sweaters. Made her look funny.

We put the last things inside the van before all of us got in.

Pearl was driving first.
Amethyst joined her in the shotgun seat.
Jasper and Garnet were in the first row of seats.

Me and Peridot were on the last second row.

"Alright. I'll take first turn, Jasper can take second, then Peridot" Pearl said.

Jasper groaned, "well there goes my plans of sleeping the whole ride."

I chuckled, "oh trust me. You'll have plenty of time to sleep. The trip is thirty-nine hours."


"Fuck! What do you mean thirty-nine hours!? That's almost two days!"

Everyone sorta laughed.

"Anything for family" Garnet smiled.

We began moving, hitting the road.

The ride sure will be long. But it's ok when I have my girl next to me.
Because I can just cu-

Peridot suddenly slumped onto me. Her head resting on my shoulder.

"....hey...that was my plan."

Peridot just smirked, "well I beat you to it so."

I just rolled my eyes playfully.

I'll have my turn eventually.

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