Humble Beginnings²

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《~A few months later~》


"Order up!" I heard Kiki as she walked out the door.
She had the two boxes of pizza in her hands.

I quickly opened my door and made my way to her and assisting her with the pizzas.
Opening the passenger seat, I set the pizzas on the seat.

Man were they hot...

"How much do I owe you Kik?" I said turning towards her.

"For you? That'll be 8 dollars" she put a hand on her hip, a smile on her face.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Plain old Kiki. You said you'll let me have full price."

"I knoow. But when it's one of my friends, I can't help it."

I reached inside my pocket, pulling out my wallet.
I pulled out a twenty, and handed it over to Kiki.
She looked at me, and put her hands up in a denying way.

"Whoa there, I can't take that from you. That's more than the pizzas cost!"

I smiled, still insisting, "c'mon, consider half of it as a tip."

She was hesitant, but sighed and grabbed it.

"Alright blondie, but next time the pizzas are on me."

I smiled, letting out a small chuckle. "Sure will. Later Kiki!" I waved as I got back inside my car.

She waved as she walked back inside the pizza store.

I sighed as I fixed my rear view mirror.

There I was. Plaaain ooold Peridot.


Peridot Greene

Nothing has really changed about our nerdy Peridot. Besides messy hair, grouchy as always, and probably smarter than before. Over the course of ten months, Peridot has gone through a bit of changes, both physically and mentally. She's as humble and nice person as she was before. However, Peridot is now determined to be better, than what she was before. Change as a whole person. Sadly....she hasn't grown any taller...


Pulling out of the parking lot, I hit the old dusty road.

I couldn't help but speed a little as I did.

If I'm honest, I'm loving my new car.
'Dodge Challenger Srt Demon.'

After the whole car crash thing, and my license suspended.
I had to wait for awhile.
It sucked because I couldn't do what I liked most, but once again, I deserved it.


And well...I'm actually still not on the clear.
I'm still not supposed to be driving. But here I am.

My old car was pretty damaged to the point that I couldn't be fixed.
Bummer for sure, but in the end I ended up buying a new car.
And of course it had to be this one.

Boy was I loving the whip.

The gang didn't really approve though.

Well...everyone but Amethyst. She thought the car was cool.

I get that they were a bit worried since they don't like me racing and such.
But in the end they were ok with it. As long as I didn't race.

I promised them I wasn't going to do it...sorta.

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