Oh, dear...

Aria, my darling, I know you said no voodoo...but I'm going to make an exception...

I put my hand behind my back and extended my claws, then pricked my palm. I gave the girl a soft smile and reached forward, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear.

"That's sweet of you, darling...here..." my blood pooled in my hand and formed into a small piece of candy. I handed it to her, and closed her fist around it, covering her small hand with both of mine.

"I want you to give this to your mama..." I said, focusing my energy onto the piece of candy, "but don't tell her it's from me, ok? It's gotta be our secret..." I said, looking into her eyes.

She nodded, and then looked back to our hands. A soft red glow surrounded my hands, and she gasped softly. After the healing spell was complete, I released her.

"Are you magic?" She asked me in a whisper and I stood back up, and winked at her. She smiled big and then trotted off.

I put my arms behind my back again, and continued my pursuit for the living room.

I glanced over at the kitchen, watching as the little girl handed her mother the candy. The woman smiled weakly at the small girl, and then took the candy. I watched until I was sure she'd actually eaten it, and then turned back to focus on what I'd originally been doing.

I believe that's the first favor I've ever given free of charge...

When I arrived in the living room, Eliot was sitting on the couch on his phone, and Aria was not with him where I'd left her.

"Eliot," I said and he jumped, then looked at me.

"Jesus fuck, dude, you are quiet," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Aria?" I asked him and he looked over towards the French doors leading out to the balcony.

"She went outside...I think Jake went out there a minute ago, too," he said, and looked back to his phone. Immediately I became tense, and my jaw clenched.

I can tolerate Eliot...however, I do not want that Jake anywhere near my Aria.

No man will touch her until I've shown her what she deserves...only then will I allow any other man to even come remotely close to her heart.

I walked over to the doors quickly, immediately reaching for the handle.

Yet, what I saw on the other side of the glass made me freeze. My breath caught and my heart felt like it stopped beating.

I just stood and watched as they stood next to each other. Aria was smiling, and I can't tell fully because it's beginning to get dark but I think she's blushing.

I felt...a deep, deep emotion. A deep hatred...and a deep jealously. I couldn't hold the low growl that left my chest, and momentarily my eyes focused on my reflection in the glass.

My eyes were blood red.

I refocused back on the disaster in front of me, and to my complete and utter horror, this bastard was leaning down towards her.

I went over just about every single way I could murder him in my head, my grip on the door handle tightening.

I fully expected them to connect lips, especially since Aria's eyes were nearly closed and she was leaning up as well.

But then my eyes widened when she firmly planted her fingers into his chest...and stepped away.

She clasped her hands in front of her, and looked down before her lips moved as she spoke. Her eyes met his again and he just looked at her.

Then he nodded, and said something back.

And he backed off.

That feeling that had started swirling in my chest dissipated and I just trained my eyes back on Aria. I dropped my smile, just staring at her.

She...She didn't...

Quickly I shook my head, restoring my smile before I slid the door open and stepped out, closing it behind me.

I allowed my eyes to stay red for just a moment, just a split second as I met his eyes. Then I switched them back to brown and casually walked to Aria's side.

"Hello, darling...I was looking for you," I said, looking down at her. She smiled up at me and without hesitation her hands wrapped around my bicep.

I looked over at the man who nearly cost himself his own life, and my smile widened as my eyelids lowered.

As our eyes met, an unspoken message was transferred.

She's mine.

He pursed his lips, and nodded, glancing back at her for a moment. Then he turned and headed back towards the doors.

I watched him, allowing my smile to relax as he left. Once the door was closed once more, I turned to her.

"Sorry I was gone so long, sweetheart...are you about ready to head out? It's getting awfully late," I said and she nodded.

"Yea...let's go," she said and went to head to the door, but I wanted to test something first.

She refused his kiss...will she refuse mine too? Perhaps it was a privacy matter...She felt too exposed...

I stopped her, and faced her towards me.

"Just one thing before we go," I said, and grabbed her waist. I pulled her close to me and immediately a soft blush lifted to her face. It was plenty dark by now, and the only lights were the several porch lights scattered around the deck.

I put my finger under her chin, tilting her head up. Her fingers gripped at my shirt and I leaned down towards her.

I half expected the same treatment...fingers to the chest and for her to step away.

So, when she met me halfway and connected our lips I felt myself nearly melt. It was a short, sweet kiss.

And she pulled back with a smile...then laced our fingers and continued towards the door.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now