"Then how will you know if Tohru likes it or not?"

He was silent and his golden eyes watered once again. Seeing this, Ichika gave him a small warm smile. She reached over and patted his head in comfort.

"You shouldn't kiss girls without their permission. Be careful next time, okay Momiji?" She gently educated.

He nodded his head and rushed to wipe his tears away from his eyes. The boy often reminded her of her little brother. Although apperance-wise they were different, but there was small things he did that her brother would do. Maybe that's why she bonded with him so quickly.

It was a few months ago that they had met for the first time. Momiji had appeared out of nowhere one day and had let himself in to Shigure's house without letting anyone know, not before being scolded by Shigure himself. The boy's only excuse was that he couldn't hide his excitement to meet the hidden Zodiac member. He had been previously away for his violin audition overseas in Germany after her brother's funeral took place, and therefore never had the chance to meet her.

The first thing he did when he met her was leap onto her for a hug, and although it stunned her at first and found it odd, she didn't hate it. It was warm and friendly.

Kyo folded his arms and sighed, before walking back to the old building they called home.

Ichika glanced at his retreating back. He didn't seem to be that angry anymore. Still irritated, but not angry, which all in all was good news for Momiji. She smiled and turned to the blonde-haired boy.

"Let's go."

The Rabbit and the Dragon both followed after the Cat.

"I-I'm sorry, Tohru! I won't ever do that anymore!" Momiji was on his knees, clinging to Tohru's blue skirt and was dramatically crying.

Ichika swallowed. She wasn't expecting this kind of apology but it will have to do.

Sitting opposite her was Kyo, who had muttered under his breath 'you better not', though no one else could hear it besides her. Yuki, who sat beside her, had an index finger and thumb and was pinching his nose bridge the entire time. He still couldn't believe Momiji's shocking affections.

"Momiji-kun, please stand up! I'm alright now," Tohru claimed as she tried to get the boy to stand up.

The Rabbit listened to her and had finally calmed down. To add to his apology, he dipped inside his backpack and pulled out a pink bunny plushie.

"I sleep with that every night b-but you can have it!" He said, placing it in Tohru's arms.

Tohru hugged it to her and looked unsure. "Are you sure you want me to have this?"

The boy nodded profusely and she smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Momiji-kun. I'll keep it safe and cherish it."

Ichika smiled slightly at the exchange, before her attention was turned to Shigure, who decided to speak up.

"Ah! I forgot to ask. I heard there was a cultural festival and ceremony coming up! Is that true?" He questioned as he removed his reading glasses and set aside the newspaper he had been reading during the entire commotion. "If so, clearly I must attend."

Yuki and Kyo shot him a suspicious look.

"What with those faces? Surely, you don't think that I, Shigure, am attending to ogle high school girls?" He added though rather too proudly.

The suspicious look intensified as no one uttered a word in reply.

"No way! Not you too, Ichika-chan!" He gasped, turning to her. "Tell them they're wrong!"

"I'm sorry, Shigure-san, but everyone knows you're a dirty pervert." Ichika admitted honestly.

Throughout the past few months she's been living here, she's become more confident in insulting Shigure's perverted nature. Of course, she learnt from the best (Kyo and Yuki), much to Shigure's dismay.

"Pang!!" The Dog spirit cried, as he reenacted a seen he saw on a TV crime show, and placed his palm on his chest. "Your words hurts like bullets, Ichika-chan!~"

Tohru giggled at the interaction, not before glancing down at her watch by chance and becoming flustered.

"Oh my goodness! We're going to be late!" She shouted.

The boys, Kyo, Momiji and Yuki, quickly hopped to their feet and grabbed their bags.

Tohru bowed. "See you after school ends, Shigure-san! Ichika-san!"

Yuki nodded and Kyo uttered a quiet goodbye. Momiji waved energetically before the four finally left the house and closed the door.

"Now for some peace and quiet.." Shigure happily mumbled, leaning backwards and laid back on the tatami floors with his arms spread wide.

"Hey.. Shigure-san..?" Ichika's melodic voice woke him from his short daze.

Shigure moved over and lay on his side instead, his head resting on his palm as he looked at her. "Ichika-chan, I've told you that you can call me Shigure-nii. We're family now."

"Shigure-nii," She corrected herself, still not used to it, before going back to the topic. "Is Hatori-san doing alright? I haven't seen him since the day I returned here."

And that was a few months ago. Ichika felt a longing to see him. She didn't know why, nor could she understand why. But throughout her stay here, she'd wish he would visit her. But was that too strange of her?

She had to remind herself that he didn't have a reason to see her. She wasn't sick, nor injured.. there was no reason to see her, right? Besides, he was a busy man. He was the family doctor, after all, and had many patients to check up on.

But the more she tried to reason with herself, the more longing she felt. What was wrong with her?

As if reading her thoughts, Shigure gave her a knowing smirk, one that made her uneasy and nervous. As if he knew something but wouldn't tell her.

"Hatori's is doing just fine. He's been a little occupied with Akito's inflicting tantrums, and has been tending to him and the people around him. You know how bad Akito's rage can get." Shigure replied.

"I see.." Ichika trailed off, glancing at her hands and playing with her fingers.

Shigure reached over and patted her head, a usual gesture that she was used to now. It was his way to assure her.

"Don't worry, Ichika-chan. You'll get to see him very soon."

The bluenette nodded. Just as she was about to respond, a small box with a pink silk wrapping caught her eye. It sat on the edge of the table and Ichika inched closer to it to see what it was.

Then she recognised it.

"Tohru's bento!" She gasped.

Poor Tohru must have been so occupied with the way her morning unravelled that she forgot to bring her lunch with her.

Shigure clapped his hands together and sat up. "Well, well, well! A perfect excuse for me to visit the school and find some cute—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the sound of a ringing telephone. He outwardly groaned and stood up before trudging his was towards the telephone.

"That must be my editing assistant.." He sighed. "Ichika-chan, can you go to the school and drop off the bento for me? I don't think I'll be off the phone any time soon."

Ichika swallowed but nonetheless, nodded. She had to give Tohru her bento no matter what. She just hoped her anxiety wouldn't peak the moment she got out of the house.

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