"You tried to have sex with me," I said plainly and her cheeks lit up almost instantly, immediately followed by her hands slapping over her face.

"Oh my god..." she groaned, "that's so embarrassing..."

Then she seemed to freeze and her eyes trained on me, "wait...you...we...we didn't...did we?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, dear...you got very upset when I refused you...but I told you no, and then sat with you in the nook, and you fell asleep," I explained and she let out a breath.

"Ok..." she said quietly, and I could see the clear relief in her eyes, then her lips pursed.

"I am...so sorry I did that..." she said and shook her head.

I chuckled softly, shutting my book and setting it aside. I reached over and tilted her chin up so she was looking at me.

"It's quite alright...I would take you up on the offer, if you were to present it now," I told her honestly and watched as she basically turned scarlet. Her lips parted and she pulled away from me, hiding her face.

"Shut uuuup! Don't tease me like that, especially if you're not serious..." she whined and my expression faltered. I furrowed my brows and then shifted so I was facing her better.

I removed her hands from her face and she looked confused, her eyes lifting to meet mine.

"You think I'm not serious...?" I asked her and her mouth opened. A few little noises came out, but no words.

I sighed, "peu d'amour...I would gladly show you what sex is supposed to be like...and not just that, I want you to know how you deserve to be treated...sex doesn't even have to be a part of that, dear."

Her heart was beating so hard I could smell her blood.

I watched as her eyes very thoroughly glanced around my features before focusing on mine. Her pupils slowly dilated and the blush on her face deepened.

"R-really...? Y-you'd do that...?" She breathed out and I smiled softer, nodding.

"I would...I care about you, and I want you to know that what you went through is not where the bar lies..."

A smile split her features and she looked down, "ok...I-I'll...I'll think about it..." she mumbled, her heart still beating rapidly.

I smirked and poked her stomach, "oh, will you?" I teased her and she scoffed.

"No, fuck you," she shot back and I pinched her side again, making her eyes widen as she realized what I was about to do.

"Only if you're offering," I hummed and then quickly pinned her before she could escape. She squealed when I started tickling her and then started giggling and writhing.

After a moment of me attacking her she yielded, "mercy! Mercy, please!" She begged and I chuckled.

"Ok, Ok..." I said, getting off of her. She was breathing heavily, and I watched the way her chest rose and fell. The silk outlined her beautifully.

I thought back to when she put my hand on her breast, and my face flushed, then I looked away from her. It was soft...like bread dough.

I caught myself as I began to think about wanting to touch her again.

My thoughts were cut off when she rolled onto her stomach, then proceeded to crawl over to me.

She crawled between my legs and pulled herself up onto my chest, laying down there. I relaxed against the headboard, feeling her arms wrap around my torso.

Looking down at her I felt my heart clench, her face was squished against my chest. The way she was positioned made her nose scrunch cutely, and then her eyes fluttered open.

She looked up at me with the remnants of a blush dusted across her nose, and I gently ran my hands down through her hair.

She's so pretty...I can't help but think that every time I look at her.

We just shared a moment of silence, looking into one another's eyes when suddenly my vision filled with static and Niffty's voice echoed through my head.

'Alastor, where are you?'


'There's an issue in your eastern territory'

I sighed and my sight returned, revealing a very confused Aria.

"What the fuck just happened?" She asked, completely perplexed.

I growled slightly, rolling my eyes, "I've got to go down to Hell...there's an issue—"

I paused when her fingers curled around my shirt and I looked back down at her. Immediately my ears lowered.

Her eyes were wide and she had a soft frown on her face.

"Do you have to go...?" She asked me softly, pulling herself up onto my chest a bit more. She was closer to my face now, and I could feel her heartbeat against my own.

I was lost for words suddenly, warmth crawling up to my face. Quickly, I shook it off and looked away from her.

"Yes, I do...I have to go handle whatever is—"

Her fingers suddenly came into contact with my cheek, and she gently made me look back into her eyes.

She pulled herself up into my lap, moving her legs to sit on either side of me. Her other hand slid up my chest and my heart started beating faster.

"Stay?" She asked in that same soft tone, "please...?" She added, making me swallow hard when she brushed her lips against mine.

I realized then that she has me...she's got me in the palm of her hand, because right now I don't think any emergency could make me leave her here by herself.

Hell itself could be concaving in on itself for all I care.

I rested my hands against her waist and slid them down to her hips, pulling her closer to me. My eyes were nearly closed as I nodded.

"Ok...I'll stay..." I whispered against her lips and then she closed the space.

Oh, god...this game that I started...

She just won.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now