Some Minor Rule Breaking

Start from the beginning

"Then gather your officer and watch." She stabbed a piece of egg, "I will be lunching in the cafe if you wish to join me."

"Of course Mother, we shall have to eat in every place before we leave." I picked up a pair of gloves, then set them back down. In the morning it was perfectly acceptable to be without one's gloves. I quickly headed up to the Boat Deck, finding a steel fence across the end of the first class promenade, a sign proclaiming that the deck ahead was the territory of the ship's officers. I leaned over the edge, hoping to catch a glimpse of my escort. It was eight, he should be somewhere around here. An officer, too slightly built to be Will, stepped out. I sang out, "Excuse me, is Mr. Murdoch up there?"

He turned, "Beg your pardon, Miss. Mr. Murdoch is in the mess, back down the promenade, by the third funnel."

"Thank you, Mr. ..." I trailed off, unsure of his name.

"Second Officer Lightoller, miss. Have a pleasant day." He tipped his cap before stepping back into the bridge. I followed his directions, quickly finding myself outside a window looking in on a rather spartan dining room. I could see Will there, along with some other men in uniform. I was too early then, they were still eating. I found myself a deck chair, arranging it so I had my back to a wall, could see both ways down the promenade, and more importantly, would be unable to miss the door to the mess opening. I sat down to wait, watching the sea slip by.

A few exited before I spotted Will leaving. "You've kept me waiting Mr. Murdoch," I said as I stood, "Here I thought you had better manners."

He froze, turning around on his heel. "Miss Dalian, I take it you are an early riser?"

"Always have been." I stepped closer, holding out a hand, "Care to be my escort this morning?"

He gripped it lightly in his, "If you have need of me, gladly." Letting my hand go, we slowly began to walk towards the stern. The day was warm, with a brisk wind. I smiled up into the sun, reveling in the light. Will's voice drew me from my thoughts, "Was there anything particular you would like to do?"

I pursed my lips, listening to the click of my boots on the wood. "A tour, I would like a tour."

He stopped for a moment, fishing out a pocket watch. "It will have to be quick, I am due on watch in ninety minutes."

"Then we had best hurry." I said, taking his arm again. Fortunately the public areas of the ship were rather vacant this early. A few early risers tipped their hats as we walked by, but we were relatively alone.

Will stopped outside a bank of windows. "This here is the gymnasium, would you care to go in?"

I nodded and stepped through. It was empty, of people at least. Instead it was filled with various machines, including what looked to be some kind of large mount. I ran my hand down the top of it. "What in the world is this?"

"Ah, the electric camel." Will smiled, reaching down to flick a switch. The machine rumbled to life, slowly lurching from side to side. "Quite elegant, isn't it?"

"I have never seen its equal." I laughed, "Who would want to ride this on a ship?"

He shrugged. "Some men seem to find it enjoyable. In rough seas, I can only imagine the sickness one would endure on it."

I felt a small smile break out as a rather devious thought entered my mind. "Speaking of men, do you think you could show me the men's areas?"

Will, there was no better word for it, blushed at that. "I-I would not presume to take you into those areas."

"Please Will, at least the smoking room. It's closed right now, just a quick peek?" I begged, stepping forward and grasping the buttery leather of his gloves. "Please?"

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