#18 - A Dark Truth Revealed...

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•~~~Cat Noir's POV~~~•

We looked in the alleyways around her apartment. Nothing. We looked in all the alleyways within a five mile radius. Nada. Well, until we found Bunny Blanc on a rooftop on THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN! Wow forgot for a minute she had a miraculous! The thing is, she was with SHADOW MOTH!

I hid with Ladybug behind a chimney as we listened in.

"So, Bunny Blanc, we finally meet! You can give yourself up now and I won't hurt Cat Noir!" He said cackling evilly. Her eyes were red, swelled up with tears; tears that fell when he said my name. "Oh no, why would you care? He broke your heart didn't he? Shattered it! Join me and I can give you the world! You will never have to put up with him if you get rid of him! Join me, you won't regret it!" He smirked, sending an akuma into her miraculous. "Bunny Noir! Give into my temptations! I grant you the infinite ability to control time!" She grabbed her head crying and yelling.

I tried getting up but was pulled back. "You can't take him on by yourself! Besides, I can barely stand! If she gets akumatized then so be it! We will always be here for her, to bring her back to our side. Let him think he's won, it'll only be harder for him when his inevitable downfall comes upon him!" She was right, after all whats the worst that could happen?

"I don't wanna!" She screamed in pain. He went closer and grabbed her chin, pulling her to look at him. "Like I'm giving you a choice young rabbit." He punched her in the nose, even we could hear a click! "OBEY!" Her arms completely dropped as he commanded her while fiddling with some sort of silver necklace thing. I held back my tears when watching her be eaten alive by the black and purple smoke.

"Don't worry Kitty Cat, we're gonna get her back! We just have to wait until he leaves." Ladybug comforted. She was right after all.

But a few hours later, he was still with her.

•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

I couldn't believe it! He broke my heart, AND OVER THE FLUFFING PHONE?! I really hate him! I wrote a note to leave in the kitchen in case he came to explain himself, transformed, and left. I didn't take anything with me, I'm a man-made monster of course I don't need or deserve items that I can take with me?

I went to the other side of Paris, nobody would look on the rooftop of an abandoned factory right? But that's when I bumped into Shadow Moth himself, in the flesh?!

"So, Bunny Blanc, we finally meet! You can give yourself up now and I won't hurt Cat Noir!" He said cackling evilly. My eyes were sore, swelled up with tears; tears that fell when he said his name. "Oh no, why would you care? He broke your heart didn't he? Shattered it! Join me and I can give you the world! You will never have to put up with him if you get rid of him! Join me, you won't regret it!" He smirked, sending an akuma into my watch. "Bunny Noir! Give into my temptations! I grant you the infinite ability to control time!" I grabbed her head crying and yelled, "I don't wanna!" It was so painful to resist!

He had the necklace containing my amok and twisted it in his fingers, as his grip became tighter on it my pain worsened. Was he trying to release me from my poor, miserable existence? "OBEY!" Was the last thing I heard. Basically, he outlined my abilities as I became evil.

I am now........ Bunny Noir.


I waited hours with my master, they never showed up. Wow, guess I'm really not worth saving huh? "Bunny Noir, go and find them." He said swinging the necklace around. "Yes Shadow Moth!" I hissed and jumped off the building; well, more fell backwards. But on purpose! Ladybug's yoyo gripped my body tight as she swung me behind a chimney on a nearby rooftop.

"What the hell do you two want?!" I said standing up and pointing my umbrella at them. It was now completely black, like my suit. The only thing that wasn't black, but a dark turquoise, was the decal of a clock on my front. My fluffy bunny tail and ears were a midnight black too! My hair - now the same dark turquoise as the decal - was in a messy bun at the back of my head instead of being neat. My hair matched my now malicious eyes and my lips were a deathly shade of darkness.

They looked stunned by my new appearance. With my sword-like umbrella in one hand, I used the other to snap my fingers. This consequently froze time. I swiped the yoyo and ties the two goody-two-shoes up in it. One at a time, starting with Ladybug, I placed our foreheads together. This unfroze them while still leaving the world still. "Y/n! Please just let me explain! I didn't-" but I slapped a hand over his mouth. "I don't want your petty little excuses, secrets, lies! You're a fluffing jerk! I don't care what you have to say!" I nearly started crying again. Ladybug lifted her leg and put it between his face and my fist. But, it was bandages up?

"My god?! What did you do to your foot?! These suits are indestructible!" I yelled, I care about her still even if not the other idiot. "That's what we're trying to tell you! It was CopyCat that called you NOT Cat Noir! He clawed my ankle when we were fighting!" That makes sense. I think? Cat Moe nodded and said. "Y/n, I would never try to PAWposely hurt you! I love you!" Those LAME cat puns? Ugh never mind. I guess I forgive him, but I slapped him across the face first.

That was when Shadow Moth started controlling me. I picked them up by the yoyo and took them to him. I felt a sharp pain in my head as the akuma flew away, leaving me unconscious on the roof.

I woke up to a dark, cloudy sky. The weather was rather bitter. Shadow Moth had he in his grasp as myself, not Bunny Blanc. Ladybug had my miraculous and seemed really angry.

"You're working for HIM?! I thought we were best friends!" Ladybug screamed. He giggled maliciously. "Not JUST that young Ladybug! She's a horrific monster! Literally! She's a blooming Senti-monster!

"Y-Y/N? Is......... Is this t-true?" Cat Noir questioned. He started hyperventilating uncontrollably. Stray tears fell from his eyes and his face became infected with the salty liquid. Ladybug went up to him for attempted comfort but failed miserably; he pushed her away and called upon his cataclysm. He walked towards us and pointed it at the face of the man who held my shoulders prohibiting any movement. "Why?" He asked, "Why did I have to suffer?! Why did you manipulate me into falling in love with her?! Why did you go through all this trouble just to hurt me?! To break me! To traumatise me with everything that you're doing you monster!"

I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the floor beneath my feet. Suddenly I felt a yoyo surround and take me captive. My eyes shot open to lead me to seeing the angriest Ladybug I think anyone will have ever seen. "Cat I've got her! Use your cataclysm! Now!" She hissed. I never thought I was capable of the feelings I had for mon chaton. But I did. I really did. I can't describe what I felt that day, and now I know that I will most likely never feel that again.

Cat Noir walked as close as he could get to me. All three of us stared down at his hand and waited for the inevitable. "I'm s-sorry. I'm........ I'm so s-s-so sorry." I cried. I wiped his tear from under his emerald eye. "Au revoir mon chaton..........."

So! That's where YOU walked in! Make more sense now? Good! Well not good for me! Or is it? Come on now, let me explain the ending to this tale!

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