#1 - What is going on?!

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"Y-Y/N? Is......... Is this t-true?" Cat Noir questioned. He started hyperventilating uncontrollably. Stray tears fell from his eyes and his face became infected with the salty liquid. Ladybug went up to him for attempted comfort but failed miserably; he pushed her away and called upon his cataclysm. He walked towards us and pointed it at the face of the man who held my shoulders prohibiting any movement. "Why?" He asked, "Why did I have to suffer?! Why did you manipulate me into falling in love with her?! Why did you go through all this trouble just to hurt me?! To break me! To traumatize me with everything that you're doing, you monster!"

I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the floor beneath my feet. Suddenly, I felt a yoyo surround and take me captive. My eyes shot open to lead me to see the angriest Ladybug I think anyone will have ever seen. "Cat I've got her! Use your cataclysm! Now!" She hissed. I never thought I was capable of my feelings for mon chaton. But I did have them. I really did. I can't describe what I felt that day, and now I know that I will most likely never feel that again.

Cat Noir walked as close as he could get to me. All three of us stared down at his hand and waited for the inevitable. "I'm s-sorry. I'm..... I'm so s-s-so sorry." I cried. I wiped his tear from under his emerald eye. "Au revoir mon Chaton....."

Okay, I get what you're probably thinking right now. Wondering what the hell that was and what crazy chain of events caused all that mayhem. Well, I'm gonna explain that to you and so much more! I'm Y/n L/n and I'm what most people would assume to be just your average teenage girl. But, my life is far from normal; I promise everything will make purrrrrfect sense once you understand the story. The whole story.....

Bunny Noir {A ChatNoirxReader fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora