#3: First Day Officially Starts

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•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

Marinette showed me where my seat was a few minutes before the bell. My seating partner was named Lila Rossi. She turned to me with a smile. "Hi! You must be Y/n! My name's Lila and I'm sure we'll be the best of friends! I hear that Marinette has already shown you around?" I nod. I don't know why but I'm scared to make friends? Maybe it's because my parents would be mad if I didn't do my work and meet their expectations.

Lila continues to go on about how she hates Marinette because when she was the new girl, Marinette never gave her a chance and assumed she was a liar! She seemed so nice when she was taking me to all our classes and that didn't seem to match up with what I'm hearing now. "Are you sure Lila?" I asked as politely as I could, "I've spoken to Marinette and that doesn't seem to fit with her characteristics at all. Are you sure it was her?" She looked at me and started crying. She whined, "Do you believe her over your own partner?" I once again nodded emotionlessly and began to listen to Miss Bustier.

When class was over Alya pulled me over to where Mari - as she called her - was standing in a corner where there was nobody else. " Y/n we know you've only just started here but let's set some ground rules okay?" I nodded and looked over at Mari. "What did that monster say about me?" She interrogated me and it was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. I explained exactly what happened before hearing the loudest groan I've ever heard, and that's hard because my dad groans every time something goes not according to plan - and that's pretty often. I tried to calm her but she was having what looked like a mini tantrum. Wow. This girl acts like a two-baby when talking about that Lila girl!

•~~~Alya's POV~~~•

I calmed my best friend down so we could take Y/n to where we sat at lunch with Adrien and Nino. We ate and spoke for a while until Nino decided to bring up an interesting topic. "So, do any of you dudes - and dudettes - have a date to the Spring dance next month?" The dance is next month and he's already planning dates?!

"Well everyone could have guessed that we'll be going together, isn't that right Nino?" I asked. He turned into a tomato and nodded. I giggled and winked at the girl with pigtails who was sitting next to me. "So Y/n, are you planning on finding a date, or are you going with friends?" Adrien asked. She shrugged and replied. "I'm not quite sure yet. I've only just met everyone and am not sure if I do have any friends, the truth is I've never had any before."

What she said then just somehow made a tiny crack in my heart. Mari stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. "Not true!" She stated. "I'm your..... I-I mean we're your friends? Yes! Yes, that is what I meant to say totally not blurting anything!" Adrien added slightly blushing while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Oh no does he have a crush on Y/n?! That would throw our drastic plan of getting him to go with Marinette out the window! Y/n smiled and looked as if she was going to cry a little. What miserable life could this girl have had to not have any friends?! I mean I get that Adrien didn't have any but that's because he was homeschooled. Maybe Y/n was as well? Ugh! I'm thinking too deeply into this! She hasn't told us anything about her life or what happened before she attended François DuPont so until she tells us herself would it be right to just straight up ask her? I wouldn't want her to think I'm snooping?

•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

It felt kinda strange admitting I've never had friends. But it was comforting knowing that my new friends would be here for me. I've never been to school before. All the knowledge I have on this world I've taught myself because my father didn't bother telling me anything that could help me in life besides instructions on the standards he wants me to meet while I'm here! I wish I were normal!! Well, I mean I am totally an ordinary human being but? Oh, you know what I mean!

It was a bit awkward continuing our conversation about dates. I've never felt that way to anyone before. I wonder what it's like to just feel happy and free with somebody you love? I guess I'll never know what that feels like if I'm never given any free will or an option to choose what I do with my life! Why does everything have to be so complicated and frustrating?! I honestly don't know if it's possible to make up my mind anymore without someone intervening and choosing a path for me! I don't care if I mess up I just wanna make mistakes and learn for myself like everybody else has the privilege of doing! Enough ranting on about wanting a brain that I have complete control over let's just get one thing straight!

That guy, Adrien I think he's called, keeps blushing like mad in front of me! And Marinette goes so red it's as if there's no tomorrow when she even thinks about him! Are they okay? While I think about all this they're having the most awkward blushing contest ever. This school is just powered by craziness?! 

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