#15 - Stop lying to yourself

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(A/n: N/n is Nickname. If u don't have a nickname Ur friends call u just imagine it's the first letter of ur name e.g. Bunny Nuit could be B?)

•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

I feel bad for Adrien sometimes, he's so dense that it's probably illegal to be such an idiot! After class I saw him talking to Little Miss 'I'm SO Perfect' again! I didn't see Alya come up behind me. "Girl, why are you so tense?" I jumped in surprise and squealed a little causing her to laugh her head off. "Woah, woah, woah! Calm down Y/n! Who or what got you so worked up?" Oh she didn't know a thing about it. I sighed and explained about Bella and whatever the other one's name is

"N/n....... Are you sure you're not...... you know..... jealous?" This just made me even angrier.
"Me? Jealous? I've never been jealous before and don't plan on doing any different any time soon!" I said turning my head to the side and huffing. Alya sighed. "You're definitely jealous! Like it or not you're only human, just like the rest of us. That means you have emotions, and it's completely fine to feel that way if you just talk about it!" I clenched my fists.

"Alya I'm telling you I'm not jealous nor am I feeling any emotions right now. I'm j-j-just gonna go to the bathroom." I said stomping off. She ran after me shouting me to come back. I put a chair against the door so nobody could come in. "Fluff, clockwise." I said lowering my voice. I shoved the window open and ran away.

•~~~Alya's POV~~~•

I came out of class and saw Y/n spying on Adrien, Uso and Bella. I went over to make sure she was okay, we had a little chat and something seemed off about Y/n.

"N/n.......... Are you sure you're not.......... You know...... jealous?" But she completely denied it, I tried to reassure her it's okay if she's feeling like that but it made her look more irritated. She clenched her fists and went to the toilets. I followed her but she'd blocked the door. I heard an opening noise, maybe a stall door? Then another, what could that be? "N/n? N/N! Y/N LET ME IN!!" I yelled but heard no reply. "Y/n! Please! I get that you're mad but please answer me!" Adrien must've heard me, Nino and Mari too. "Alya! What's going on?" She asked. Adrien looked worried and Nino was just plain out confused.

I explained what had happened and Adrien looked shocked, Marinette went with Nino to try and find a teacher while Adrien tried to push the door open. The others came back with Mr Damocles who was in his 'super suit'. The boys helped him push against the door and it finally opened, she'd blocked the handles with the chair. Wow, the school really need to stop people blocking the girls' bathroom door with that chair. I remember when Sabrina did it to Juleka maybe last year or the year before that on picture day.

Mr Damocles waited outside with the boys while Marinette and I went to the only locked door. We knocked on it and the old, rusty lock gave out. Y/n wasn't in there. The window was open. We froze in horror, she'd escaped. She'd run off by herself. The thing is, we don't know how well she knows the city. She's never been seen before her first day by anyone we know and had never been caught up in an akuma attack before we met her? Was she even from Paris? We don't know much about her background.

I stayed, stood frozen in place as if I had been paralysed while she went to get help.

•~~~Marinette's POV~~~•

Me and Alya saw the open window and were just so shocked, even if she had argued with Alya why would she just escape like that? How did she climb all the way up to the window to even open it? I've tried getting out before to transform and had to do it in the stall because not even standing on the seat can get you high enough........ unless a miraculous enhances your physical abilities enough to jump up. Now that I think about it, I HAVEN'T SEEN FLUFF SINCE I GAVE Y/N HER MIRACULOUS! If Cat Noir had gotten the watch back off Y/n then wouldn't Fluff had flown back to the box by now?

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