#7: Oh for gods sake why?!

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•~~~Ladybug's POV~~~•

What in heavens sake did I just witness?! Do I need to worry about ordering holy water because I'm happy to do so just on the safe side!

I simply yo-yo'd into the alleyway not realising anybody was in there, before I could say 'Spots Off' I witnessed Cat Noir making out with Y/n! IS SHE CHEATING ON ADRIEN?! Oh shoot she's an awful person! I must stop her.

"Y/N! CAT NOIR?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. They quickly broke apart and she shoved him onto the floor. "Ummm n-nothing M'lady!" He replied. She was simply frozen in place staring at me. I rolled my eyes and hissed, "I see somebody's feeling better! Was getting yourself nearly killed a part of your plan? You're cheating on Adrien Agreste with Cat Noir! Everyone saw you kissing him on his feed!" Cat Noir looked dumbfounded.

•~~~Cat Noir's POV~~~•

M'lady HAD to walk in while I was kissing the future love of my life? YES I'm still calling her M'lady only for the fact that she got jealous when I didn't!

Anyways, does Ladybug follow me?! My old crush! Well of course she follows Adrien Agreste what girl in Paris doesn't?

Oh god now she's gonna think Y/n's a cheater! Oh no I didn't tell Y/n I put one of the pictures on social media to advertise my father's new product, whatever that may be these days.

"No! You have it all wrong Ladybug, it's not what it looks like!" She yelled but like LB cared. "Oh I think it's exactly what it looks like! I will not tolerate you breaking my Cat's heart! Or Adrien's for that matter!!" She was the angriest I'd ever seen! I don't think there's any going back from this! I mentally facepalmed and Y/n fought back. "I'll have you know Miss 'I'm so special everyone loves me' that I didn't actually kiss Adrien! If you actually used your eyes it's a photograph of us nearly kissing, A POSE WE WERE FORCED TO DO FOR THE PHOTOSHOOT!!!" Wow my purrincess doesn't just meow, SHE FLIPPING ROARS! M'lady was shocked at her tone.

"You dare speak to me like that? YOU'RE WORSE THAN HAWKMOTH! Bug out you spoiled brat!" Oh god! I think I'm mentally facepalming again. Y/n stormed off. "Hey! Where are you going?!" I called.

"HOME!!!" She screamed back. Wow, she really is angry after what just happened. Im scared now to get on her bad side!

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