#6: Oh shoot

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•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

The next day at school I was feeling kinda awkward. Everyone stared at me as I entered and threw shade at me; the thing is I have no clue why! I went over to Marinette and Alya.

"Hi! How are you both doing on this fine day?" I was trying to lighten the mood. Alya looked really guilty, but Mari was plain out angry looking. Had I done something to upset everyone? I would never intentionally try to hurt my only friends, well Adrien and Nino too but that's not the flipping point right now!

I thought I'd try asking them why they're being so strange, but I wanted to do it smoothly and not so straight to the point. Small talk? Yeah I have that a go.....
"Are you mad at me? What have I done?" That sounded waaaaaaay cooler in my head, but oh well it's not like I can time travel and fix it.....

"Oh so now you dare to ask me why I'm mad?! You kissed my crush Y/n! OF COURSE IM MAD!" Mari yelled. Alya laughed nervously and shoved a hand over her mouth. "What she meant to say was did you actually kiss Adrien last night?" I was in shock. I dropped my notebook and it opened to the only page I keep a secret. THE BACK PAGE! Oh shoot now everyone's gonna see!

I covered my face and quickly picked it up. Marinette gave me the death glare. "Why do you have a page titled: Ladybug, Cat Noir and the secrets of the miraculous?" She grabbed my hands in hers and looked at her feet. Was she gonna kiss me or something?!

I told her partially the truth. The whole truth is be to embarrassed to admit. I said that I'm fascinated by their magical jewels and wanted to find research on them. It's just that I thought they were awesome, especially Cat Noir and his purrrrrfect puns!

Thankfully they bought it and right on cue, an akuma alert sounded. AND SHE WAS AFTER ME!! "People of Paris! My name is HeartCrusher! Some newbie stole my Adrikins away from me and now she will pay! Wont you Y/n L/n?!?!" This is just a hunch, but I have a gut feeling that the victim is no other than the spoiled brat herself, Chloe Bourgeois! Alya looked determined, grabbing my hand and taking me to a creepy sewer. Ewww there was sludge everywhere! And worst of all, it smelled of a dirty bathroom when somebody doesn't flush!

She shut me in a cupboard in a small room and ran off. I have no clue why she didn't also hide, but as per usual, I'm just gonna roll with it.

After a while I was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic. I opened the door and ran to the surface to come out from the hole where? From UNDER HeartCrusher's feet.

Unluckily, she saw me. We looked each other in the eye. "I'm very sorry but I have an appointment soon and I can't be late..... so..... ummmm....... B-B-B-BYE?!" I attempted to leg it only for my wrists to be grabbed in a position as if she wanted to handcuff me. "Nah ah! You have been a very naughty girl Y/n! The only appointment you have is with ME!" She spat. She flipped me over slamming me head first into the floor.

My chin scraped across the floor, badly grazing it and scratching half of my face. I kicked my legs up flipping her back, only for her to copy me and kick me as hard as she could right in the stomach; she was a very strong kicker BEFORE she had her abilities enhanced via an akumatization. She grabbed her sword and attempted to slash me, leaving a deep cut all the way down my arm. I was barely awake. As a final blow she basically yeeted me about a million feet in the air.

'Yup, I'm definitely a gonner!' I thought to myself. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness mid-air was a black smudge.

To my surprise, I woke up! I was in a dark alleyway with a few beams of light shining in. I slowly regained consciousness as my eyes fluttered open. I was being held 'bridal style' in who's arms? I'll give y'all a second to guess. None other than Cat Noir himself! "Thank god you're awake Princess! You really worried me there!" He exclaimed. I was still waking up so all I could do was groan. I tried to stand up before nearly passing out and him catching me again.

"Woah there Princess! You just fell out of the sky after being beat up like a punching bag! Take it easy!" I nodded and lay in his arms. Suddenly, Vespiria came swinging in gracefully. "Ladybug sent me to give you some supplies while Carapace helps her hold HeartCrusher off!" She placed a first aid kit and a backpack with blankets and bandages in on the ground before giving Cat Noir the job of looking after me. I'm not a flipping child y'know Ladybug! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MY OWN PERSONAL PROBLEMS!

I was pretty weak though and didn't have much of a choice. Vespiria flew out and I looked up at Cat. He smiled and placed me against a wall while he got some cloths out. He cleaned the scrapes on my chin and cheeks before carefully placing plasters on them. We both looked down at the cut across my arm and the blood spilling all over the floor. Once again on cue, I felt as if I were gonna black out. He panicked a little bit before re-focusing. "I need to stop the bleeding!" He stated cleaning most of the blood away. He pressed the sides of the wound together and found some skin glue in the box. I twitches as he attempted to apply it before retreating. "Okay, I know it's painful but I have to do it. Who knows what could happen if you lose too much blood, not a flipping chance on my watch!" He yelled.

I knew full well it was gonna sting terribly but shoved my big girl pants on and shut my eyes tight. It was quick and precise. He bandaged it up and wrapped me in a blanket, lying me on his lap. I tried getting up again and stabilised myself using the wall, grabbing my stomach as I felt a sharp pain there every time I moved. He gave me a dirty look - like everyone seemed to wanna do today and grabbed the hand that was on my stomach.

"PURRRRRINCESS! Don't force yourself! After all you've just been through give your body a chance! It's clear you're not okay!" He looked down at my stomach. I giggled slightly and added. "Oh Cat Noir, I'm paw-sitive that I'll be okay!" He started to tear up. "Y-you just made a cat pun!" He said crying and hugging me. I pushed him off and he got the hint that it was painful. "Oops. Sorry purrincess," he replied flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and gave him the look of permission to lift my shirt up only enough to see where my stomach was sore. A HUGE black and purple bruise had come up.

In the end, I gave in to his childish charm. I let my walls down and lay in his chest. It was warm and comfy, I actually liked it. He stroked my luscious H/c locks and relaxed me well. Before we knew it we were cuddling! I've never done this with someone, but it just felt right. As we were about to fall asleep the miraculous ladybugs healed all my injuries.

"Well I guess this is my cue?" He asked. I nodded. I sighed and went to walk out of the alleyway before he grabbed my hand. "Wait! Y/n, just be careful. Please." He pleaded. I smiled and I wasn't controlling myself, I don't know why or how. I speedily leaned in and pecked his lips. I could feel the heat from his body against mine, but he didn't pull away.

I felt my cheeks light up with passion. What was this strange feeling? It was like nothing I'd felt before, I don't know what it was but it was amazing! How long did we do it for again? I can't remember! The only thing that stopped us was when Ladybug swung in about to de-transform.


Bunny Noir {A ChatNoirxReader fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora